Monday, July 7, 2014

Thursday Happenings

Time is just flying and it is hard to believe we are already in July. Quinn had to wear her "princess dress" last week when we went to eat lunch with a friend. She loves this dress my Aunt Marsh got her. I was cleaning and organizing our master closet and Quinn found my bag of 80's accessories. She enjoyed dressing up and pretending to leave. She always does this when she plays. She will say "bye, love you, see you soon." I love how she is starting to do a lot of pretend play and it makes me laugh hearing her say things that I know she hears from me. She will walk upstairs and say "I'll be right back, okay?" I do this to her when she is in the living room and I run upstairs to grab something. 
Leo is already getting to learn about princesses. The other day we were playing with her princess horse stables and Leo was sitting up next to the ramp and he would grab the horses as they went by. The horses then went straight into his mouth. Quinn decided Leo was a dragon and now whenever he grabs a princess or a horse she yells "ahh a dragon." We are still working on sharing, she is not a fan of sharing anything right now but especially not her princesses. We had a meltdown right after these pictures were taken because Leo got Prince Eric and I wouldn't let her take him back. 
There were some storms on Thursday afternoon and Charlie is still scared of them. He decided that Leo would comfort him. He is a great dog and sometimes he drives me crazy but he really loves our kids and they love him. 
 During the month of June we had a few guests. Our friends that we met at WPAFB have teenage daughters that were dancing in SLC for the month. They stayed in our guest room and it was fun having them stay with us. Quinn loved them and she enjoyed all the attention she got.
They left on Friday so we went to Burger Bar to grab some burgers and shakes for their last dinner in Utah. They were introduced to fry sauce. We are going to miss having them around but know that we will see them again soon.

summer is good, life is good. 

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