Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring has sprung

It has been forever since my last post again! I am really slacking on this blog since Dave has been home. We have not done anything super exciting since the last blog, just been very busy with day to day life and enjoying being married and living in the same country.
The weather in Ohio is crazy as ever which means it must be Spring! It is currently raining like crazy and we are getting more this week. A couple of weeks ago when it was raining our basement flooded because our sump pump stopped working. That was a fun filled day of going to home depot and buying a new one as well as a shop vac to clean up the mess. Dave is pretty handy and figured out how to take the old one out and install the new one while I cleaned up the mess. We even made it to Cincinnati to have dinner with our friends that night! We make a great team if I do say so myself.
 I am very excited for this Spring and Summer since Dave will be home. It will be the first Summer we have lived in the same state since we have been together, craziness. Speaking of craziness our 1 year anniversary is less than a month away and I can NOT believe it. Time really does fly! It is the "paper" anniversary and I already have Dave's gift. It is killing me to not tell him. I am the world's worst gift buyer (well really the best I think) but as soon as I buy a gift I want to give it to the person right then. I usually always end up giving presents early because I don't like to wait!

On my last post I said I would post about our Hawaii trip and I will soon I promise! For now I will give you some pictures to look at. Hawaii is the most amazing place I have ever been and all Dave and I can talk about is when we get to go back.

And of course I can not blog without talking about Charlie. He is crazy as ever and is keeping us busy. His latest issue is digging under the deck and coming in the house covered in mud. Last week at work I got a voicemail from Dave letting me know that Charlie ran in the house covered in mud and before he could catch him, he ran up the stairs (white carpet) and jumped on our bed. That was a fun evening of bathing Charlie and cleaning the carpet and sheets. Since then Charlie has needed to get a bath two times now because of digging under the deck. We have decided due to his size and amount of hair that washing him on the back deck is the best bet. I am sure our neighbors think we are crazy.
Sammy is good, he has a food allergy and requires special food, he is a hot mess but still as cute as ever! Here are some pictures of the dogs.

Hope you enjoyed the quick update on our lives. We are currently re-doing the office. I will post pictures once that is complete as well as a blog of Hawaii and add some more pictures of our trip. Hope everybody has a great Easter! 

Baseball season is good, Life is good! : )