Monday, December 29, 2014

Playing in the snow

Ok so these first pictures are not from playing in the snow but I wanted to make sure I got them put in the book. Yesterday Quinn was not wanting to go to sleep so she was playing dress up. This is something she has started doing when we have her go to her room for bed. Tonight she wanted to be minnie mouse and needed her rain boots of course. Charlie is always a trooper and goes along with whatever the kids want to do. The language Quinn is using is great and she is starting to really have a personality. Which I think is going to present some challenges along the way- she is very independent and strong willed. Lord help us all get through the terrible threes. 
Leo turned 11 months old yesterday and is a walking machine. He is going everywhere and loves to bother Quinn. When she starts yelling he just cracks up. Right now it is a cute Frankenstein walk but he has really gone some long distances in the past 2 days. He is getting in his one year molars already so we have a lot of drool and some crankiness. 
Yesterday/last night we got a good amount of snow and Quinn and I went out to play in it today while Leo napped. Getting her dressed took forever because she is very particular about what she will and will not wear and it changes from day to day. When we went to the zoo the other day she only wanted to wear her pink coat (which matches a snowsuit). Today I put said snowsuit and coat on her and she threw a fit because she wanted to wear her snowsuit from last year which she said was "amazing." It was way too short but we went with it. When I was getting her dressed I remembered all the times my mom spent forever getting us ready to go outside and play and I would be a total brat because I didn't like wearing that many clothes. I also remember by mom putting plastic bags over our feet before we put our oversized boots on to help keep our feet warm. 
After changing outfits and arguing about putting her gloves on which were "all covered in dog hair" we finally made it outside. Quinn was so excited to go out in the snow and started making snow angels right away. Charlie has always loved the snow and he tosses his frisbee everywhere and likes to "throw" the snow all around. 
Charlie loves the snow but Sammy hates the snow. He does not want to go outside to use the restroom and barks the entire time. We have to clear out a section of grass so he will go use the bathroom. Quinn loved going down her slide and then we made a tower. She wanted to make a snowman but I convinced her that daddy was really good at making snowmen and he would make one when he got home. When we went inside we enjoyed lunch and hot chocolate. Quinn stirred her drink and said she was drinking her "coffee." 

snow is good, life is good 

Sunday, December 28, 2014


We stayed in Utah for Christmas this year and it was a very relaxing day. The kids were both so fun (other than Leo being a little cranky because his molars are coming in!). Leo woke up at his normal time and he got a sneak peek at the presents while Quinn was still snoozing. She usually sleeps in until about 8:30 or 9 and Christmas was not different. Dave and I were anxious for her to wake up and see what Santa brought. Leo got a fire truck like the one he played with at Grandma and grandpa's house and he was one happy guy. He just walks all over pushing his firetruck. 
Thanks to Netflix we had a great fire roaring all day. Santa did good this year and brought the kids things they needed and wanted. All Quinn wanted for Christmas this year was a "chicken" (kitchen) and a pumpkin princess puppy. She was a good girl this year and got both! 
When she finally woke up, Quinn was one happy girl. She wanted to check out her window to see if Santa came when she first got up and it was super cute. We had a white Christmas and it was a really beautiful day. 
My favorite part of the day was when Quinn opened up her puppy dog. She has wanted this Cinderella puppy all year and when she opened it up she actually hugged the box! She said "thank you, I really really wanted it." Then she ran over and gave me a big hug. The joy on her face when daddy got her puppy up and running was the sweetest. 
We don't get to spend Christmas with family which is a bummer but at the same time, we don't have anywhere we need to be. Our present opening takes all day and we get to take breaks to eat and play with our new toys. Quinn got a few fun bath toys and bath letters so she decided to take a bath midday and play with her new toys. 
Leo loved his new chair and crawled all over it. Quinn played with her kitchen all day and called Santa many times on her new phone to talk to him. She made us lots of coffee and "dinner." 
Charlie was happy because he got bones and a lot of frisbees. 
I clearly got a cast iron skillet, Dave is a really great wrapper. Then he made me bacon in my new skillet, best husband ever! I am excited to try out some new recipes in my new skillet. Overall we had a great great day. We opened presents, played, napped and made a yummy turkey dinner and ate a lot of dessert. The kids were both wore out and went to bed before 8pm so Dave and I were able to relax together for a kid free evening! 
 On Christmas Eve Leo had a doctor appointment (his 9 month check up/ 11 months....) then we baked cookies and relaxed. After Leo's nap we went to lunch at one of our favorite restaurants, Twigs, then headed down to Zoolights. It wasn't too cold and we had a great time. We stopped to see Santa for one last time before he headed out to deliver presents and this time Leo decided he did not like him. Quinn loves the zoo and she loves animals. When we got home we got cookies ready for santa but Quinn said the cookies were "for everyone!" and left some carrots for the reindeer. Having kids at Christmas is really special. I missed spending Christmas Eve at my parents house but we had a fun time together and are starting our own traditions. 
Christmas is good, life is good 

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Christmas trip home

Earlier this month we went home for an early Christmas trip. It was a great visit and always too short. Quinn and Nolan love playing with each other and are so busy ALL THE TIME. They do not stop. On this visit we got to meet Kevin's dog from Korea, Winston. It is super cute when you ask Nolan where Winston is from he will say "kowea!"He is a very sweet dog and has a lot of energy. 
Leo and Elliott are cute together and love to take each other's toys. It is fun to see them together and I can't wait to see their relationship as they grow up. Elliott is a big boy and makes Leo like such a little kid! 
Winston quickly became a friend to the kids and they loved playing with him on the trip home. 
 The kids were very spoiled during our trip and got lots of fun presents from family members. We are so lucky and thankful to have the best family members who love us and love our children.
One of our evenings we went and saw the drive through lights and the kids loved them. Quinn loved being able to ride outside of her seat and it was so much fun we went through twice. Obviously by the pictures they are pretty excited to go see Christmas lights together. 
Dave arrived a few days after we got home and it was nice to have him there with us. One day we drove up to Cleveland with Dave's dad to see his aunt and cousin. It was a fun trip and we were able to spend a lovely dinner and good family time together. 
I can't even tell you how many popsicles Quinn ate while we were home. On the way to the airport I asked her what her favorite part of the trip was and she said "eating popsicles!" So it is pretty easy to make her happy. The boy cousins all loved Leo's new toy from Aunt Vicki and played with it the whole time. Poor Quinn is outnumbered by boys when we all get together! 
Everybody loves papaw. He was brave and was left home alone with all four kids one day! He is getting soft in his old age and even let Q "fix his  hair" one day. I love watching my parents interact with my kids and wish that we lived closer so they could see each other more!  
I was lucky enough to have a girls day with my two BFF's. Liz recently moved away and Dana and I drove to see her new home and her growing baby belly! It was a great day spent catching up, getting pedicures and eating, of course! Dana is not pictured because she was taking a quick nap on the couch. I love the relationship that I have with them and it is fun to remain friends through all the changes in our lives. 
Leo decided to drink from a sippy cup while at home. 
We had an early Christmas get together and were able to see family and have a yummy meal. Danielle bought a fun reindeer hat and grandpa was a good sport and wore it proudly and let the kids through the rings at his head. 
Quinn was so tired but didn't want to nap. She fell asleep under the bar and Nolan was not happy about her sleeping. They love each other so much and I can't wait for him to come out and visit us next month. 
Another day while at home we went to a fun train display and the kids loved it. It had a cute Christmas section and the kids even got to see Santa (again.) Earlier in the week we went and saw Santa at Bass Pro Shop and were able to get a picture of all 4 of the kids together. It turned out really cute and now grandma has a picture for her Christmas frame. There was also a section with mirrors and a spinning tunnel- Quinn hated it! She ran out of there and yelled that she wanted to go home! 
It was an amazing trip home and I know that I am forgetting parts of our trip. Overall we were able to visit with many family and friends, ate lots of Cincinnati food, sneak in a double date with Danielle and Zane and relax. Trips home are never long enough but I am thankful that we were able to go home and visit around the holidays and that some of my family is coming to visit us soon! 

home is good, life is good