Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Leo is 2

 I can't believe Leo will be 2 tomorrow! These past 2 years have really flown by and he isn't my little baby anymore. I remember this night 2 years ago we went out to dinner as a family of 3 and I was so nervous about having another baby because I was sad that Quinn wouldn't be the only child. I didn't know how I could love somebody as much as I loved Quinn. I hardly slept at all that night and I am pretty sure I cried a lot. Then after the easiest of my 3 labors our perfect little man was born and he was amazing. The doctor had to smack his little bum because he wasn't crying. He has always had such an easy going attitude. Fast forward 2 years later and I love him more than I could have ever imagined. He is funny and smart, loves his sisters and keeps us on our toes!
He currently loves trains and Paw Patrol. He is getting really good at building with blocks too! I love his snuggles and how he likes to give mommy kisses. He is the best brother and always wants to do what Quinn is doing and gives lots of love to Finley. He loves his dogs with Charlie "Char Char" being his favorite. He is a big fan of his dad and people say he looks just like him (to me he looks like Leo). 
He recently decided he likes to ice skate and is actually really good at it. He has also decided he wants to throw tantrums and is getting really good at throwing himself on the floor. Once he realizes he isn't going to get what he wants, then he just gets up and walks away. Leo is my little helper and loves to clean, usually without pants on. 
Leo is a happy boy most of the time and is always smiling. I love his sweet laugh and how he shuffles when trying to dance. His big blue eyes melt my heart every time! 
The other day he started to climb out of his crib and we got him a Cars bed because he likes Lighting McQueen. Sometimes he will sleep in his bed and others he wants back in his crib. He likes to put cars, trains, books and several stuffed animals in bed with him also. Right now he needs to sleep with his UC blanket (with the football helmet up near his face) and his train blanket (white side up, with the train NOT near his face). He is our best sleeper and never wants to take his pajamas off. I love how he randomly says "momma, daddy, baby." I have no idea what he is trying to say when he does this because he just says it randomly. He has a language all his own right now but is starting to use more words each day. He is a smart cookie and listens (for the most part) to everything you tell him. He really is the sweetest little guy and I love that he is ours! We love our little Leo Patrick and are so excited to celebrate him tomorrow!! 

Leo is great, life is good! 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


I wanted to do an update on Quinn since she will be 4 in a few weeks! I can't believe it has been 4 years since she came into our lives. She is such a blessing and keeps us on our toes! I don't even know where to start. I guess I can start with her sass. She has recently started showing some attitude and all I can do is laugh. She yells things like "I need privacy" and slams her door. We are all in trouble when she becomes a teenager. She is hilarious and comes up with the best stories. Today she told me she wanted a horse so I of course said she needed to talk to her dad about that one. She quickly responded, "just look on your computer and order me one." Apparently we order WAY too much from Amazon around our house. She also told me if I was grumpy to her "one more time" that she would "X" me out of the family picture she drew. I just don't even know how to take these things! 
The ideas she comes up with are so creative. The other day she made a "zip-line" while she was supposed to be napping by using baby diapers and hangers. She always creates very elaborate play things in her room while she is supposed to be sleeping. She is very artistic and draws pretty impressive pictures, which she always wants to send a picture of to grandma and papaw. I think her coloring inside the lines for a 3 year (almost 4 year old) is great. She can build things with blocks that I don't even think I could do (or come up with the idea). 
I love how caring and mothering she is to Leo and Finley. She loves Leo (most of the time) and really watches out for him. There have been several times when playing with other kids that she has stood up for Leo if somebody was not playing nice to him. Then she will later tell you they were "being mean to her brother." I love how she talks to him and tries to show him things (like coloring inside the lines, she gets so aggravated that he can't color pictures like her). She also has times where she is not in the mood for him and locks him out of her room by shutting the door and then pushing everything that she can in front of the door so that he can't open it. 
She is always testing me it feels like and is helping me to grow as a mother and a person. She will let me know when she does not like something that I am doing or if I am being grumpy. Her vocabulary is fantastic. She says things like "hilarious, disgusting, horrible, dangerous." Her new thing is telling you that things make her nervous and that she doesn't want to do things that "make her nervous." She is a spitting image of Dave but many parts of her personality are me. She looked out the window the other day to the snow and said "Holy sh*t, it is snowing!" I almost peed on myself. 
She is a great listener (most of the time) and is the best little helper. She loves to help me in the kitchen and to wear her apron. She leaves off the beginning of many multi syllabic words (tend/pre-tend for example) and it cracks me up. She says "sangs" for "things" and "head fore" for "forehead." When I try to correct her /k/ and /g/ errors she quickly lets me know that I am wrong and it is said "worT (work)." She is a fireball and loves her daddy very much! She loves the color purple, stuffed animals, coloring and orange juice. She is not a fan of trying new foods or wearing jeans (because they are "too scratchy" of course. She loves to go to the store with mommy and watch TV shows with her brother. 
She is very smart and is doing great in school. I could go on and on about my little Quinnie! I love her spirt and the spunky little girl she is. I love that she challenges me with her messy room and then tells me she is simply "having a party" when I gripe about it for the millionth time. She gives the best hugs and kisses and is an expert cuddle bug. I can't wait to watch her grow and see who she becomes because I know it is going to be something special. 

Quinn is great, life is good. 

Friday, January 15, 2016

Q Ice skating

On Christmas Eve we took the kids ice skating. Dave took turns taking Q and Leo on the ice while I stayed with Fin. Both kids loved it, especially Leo. He is not big enough to do classes yet but Q is so we decided to sign her up. Her and Dave went shopping a few days before the class and bought a bright pink helmet to keep her safe. Getting to ice skating was just like getting to soccer and swimming... she cried and yelled about not wanting to go. She wants to do these things and talks about how excited she is until it is time to go, then she gets so upset. Well, she wasn't super excited about doing ice skating once we got there but we will finish the class and hopefully by the end she will feel differently.
I think it is pretty cool that her lessons are on the same rink where they had the Olympic Curling.  
We got her all laced up in her skates while keeping Leo from running all over the place and carrying Finley around, 3 kids is no joke! She was afraid to DO ANYTHING on the ice. She just stood there until the teacher came and helped her "march" to the line. I am that crazy parent that feels like her kid is not getting enough attention and even got an eye roll from the guy in front of us! At least I admit it, right?! But really, there are like 15 kids in her class with one teacher and 2 helpers, for ICE SKATING. This isn't soccer where they already know how to walk or run, these kids can't even stand on the ice without falling. She did a lot of standing during this class but by the end was eventually "marching" a little bit on her own. She did fall one time and was very upset and came over to Dave. She was crying and didn't want to go back out. One of the helpers came over and got her and helped her do a skate around the rink before the class was over. I was very thankful that she did that because it ended the class on a positive note. Hopefully, next week will go smoother, both getting there and while in class and I will work on not being that crazy parent that all the teachers dread seeing walk in.

Trying new things is good, life is good.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Aunt Danielle's Ohio pictures

These are pictures from Aunt Danielle's camera during our trip home. My camera was broken so I am stealing her pictures! 
Trying to get pictures of all the kids at Nolan's preschool program. It was cute and he did a great job!
Team effort to escape!  
Making gingerbread houses. 
Playing outside in December because it was crazy warm, in the 60s!  
The kid never wears pants! I hope this doesn't continue the older he gets. 
Finley meeting Aunt Libby. 
Danielle and Zane's anniversary cake. Dave and I are pretty happy they got married! 
Decorating cookies. 
They love each other, maybe too much! 
Finley does not love her cupcake hat but I think it's pretty cute! 
Grandma signing the book she wrote and gave a copy to all the kids, how cool is that! 
Finley meeting Uncle Tom and Aunt Vicki. 
Really sleeping this time. 
Pictures with Grandma. 
Aunt Danielle is the best. 

Ohio is still great, Life is good.