Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Fun Friday

Last Friday we went to base for the library summer kick off party. We met our friends there and Quinn had fun playing with Johnny. I didn't get any pictures of them together but they are so cute and she always gets excited when we are going to see Johnny.  
She was coloring that morning and said "I'm coloring the stars yellow because I am a genius." I don't know where she comes up with this stuff but she is always making us laugh. Yesterday we were driving on the highway and there is a spot near some factories that stinks. She said "what is that awful smell? It stinks in my nose, it is disgusting!" Dave and I were both laughing so hard. 
So back to last week, we went to base for the party and had a great time. They had bounce houses, food and games for the kids. Quinn loved the bounce houses and she even waited in line so patiently. Her and Johnny were holding hands while waiting, it was so cute. 
Playing the ring toss game. She picked a puzzle as her prize and was excited when we got home to put it in the playroom with the rest of her puzzles. I love watching her grow into a little kid, she is the greatest.
The kids enjoyed the cotton candy, hot dogs, popcorn and chips. It was such a fun event and I am glad we went. I am not doing very well with this heat and am hesitant to take the kids to places outside by myself right now. Leo is a wild man and all he wants to do is run everywhere. I spend so much time chasing him that no matter where we got I am wore out. Then add the heat into the mix and it is too much for this pregnant momma. 
This was Quinn's first time playing with a parachute and she loved it. She loved running underneath it the best.
Leo loves being outside but he always looks so hot, his face always gets red. This time it was a mix between hotness and cheese face. I tried to keep him in the stroller as much as possible this day because there was so much going on and he wanted to run everywhere. He loves the big playground on base and wants to go down the slide. Today he kept running to the splash pad also. 
Before we got home she was passed out. I think it was a successful afternoon! We had a lot of fun hanging out with friends and playing in the sunshine. 
We will end the post with a selfie. 

Being a stay at home mom is good, life is good 

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Phone pictures

I have so many pictures on my phone that I wanted to share some of the latest happenings in our house.  A few weeks ago Leo learned he could climb onto the table and now does it ALL THE TIME. It drives me crazy because it is a bar height table and I am terrified he is going to fall off. If he isn't on the stairs or the ottoman then he is on the table! Dave and I were in the living room and Leo was walking in the kitchen. Maybe about 1 minute later I realized he wasn't walking back into the living room so I went into the kitchen to check on him and found him eating the fruit dip with a spoon on the table. He is such a funny guy and I love how his personality is coming out. He still isn't doing a lot of talking (we just got his hearing checked and it came back fine) but he understands so much! I tell Quinn we are going outside and next thing I know Leo is carrying his shoes around. I can ask him to go get his cup and he will get in the kids drawer and get his sippy out. He just started saying "where" and throwing his hands up in the air and it is super cute. He LOVES reading books and will sit on your lap and let you read books to him all day. He also loves balls and needs to take one in the car with us when we go somewhere. I can't believe how fast he got big and now we have a toddler and not a baby anymore! 
Quinn and Leo are playing together so much and I love it. Most of the time they get along and it is cute to watch them interact and to watch her act like his mommy. Other times she takes things from him and he goes straight for her hair and in a matter of minutes we have 2 screaming children. One of their favorite things is anytime we have an empty box I have to cut out part of the side and then they color it and it is a "dog house." 
Quinn is such a drama queen. I will not be surprised if she ends up in theater. She loves to act out things and is also very dramatic when things happen to her. The other day she slipped walking into the house and had a small scrape on her leg. She said she couldn't walk and needed to rest her leg. She limped into the living room and needed ice and then of course a bandaid. She talked about her "boo boo" for at least 3 days!  
Dave is such a fun daddy and we have a lot of sports taking place in our house. We will see what is the first thing to get broke. This morning they were all playing a little soccer in the house. Of course Leo is carrying around 2 balls. The other day I gave him an apple and he would take a bite, then throw the apple. He would go pick it up, take another bite and then throw it like a ball…. over and over again. 
I am now 21 weeks pregnant (what?!) and still need to take that picture. I was almost 4 days behind on my 19 week picture so I had Quinn take it because I knew we would forget when Dave got home and next thing I know I will need to do the 20 week picture (maybe this is why I have not done this in my other pregnancies). Quinn was doing a great job but having a hard time keeping the camera still so that the picture wasn't blurry. We ended up using the baby gate has a phone holder and she took a great picture! 
The camera holder contraption.  I love her smile, it is the sweetest! 
This sweet boy loves going outside and when we bring him inside he throws the biggest fit. We spend a lot of time in the evening outside playing in the water table and little pool. He loves taking pictures and always says "cheese." 
Leo recently got a basketball hoop so between him and Dave there are always basketballs being thrown around our living room. Like I said, lets see what is the first thing to get broke! 
I got my 20 week picture taken only a few days late. Wow, 20 weeks! This pregnancy is flying and I am not loving the heat. With the other 2 I was in my first trimester in the summer and I thought having morning sickness in the heat was the worst but actually being pregnant in the heat is pretty bad. I think it will be a long summer, thankfully we will be spending a few weeks in Ohio and I can lay in the pool!! Baby girl still doesn't have a name. Quinn decided today that the baby's name can be Glamour, like one of her favorite stuffed animals. 
There are some of the latest updates via my phone. Life is going great and we are enjoying the summer. I love the cool weather in the evenings and sitting on the swing looking at the mountains. The kids are loving being outside and playing in the water. Dave is working hard as always and we are looking forward to our upcoming summer travel plans. 

Summer is good, life is good. 

Friday, June 5, 2015

Evening at the zoo

We bought a zoo pass again this year and one of the reasons was because they do a few evenings a month at the zoo for pass holders when the zoo is open late just for members. We love going to these evenings because it isn't hot and we practically have the whole zoo to ourselves. This time some of our friends joined us and we had a great time letting the kids run around and getting to catch up with them. The weather was perfect and I even got Potbelly's on the way! Many of the animals were already in bed which was a bummer but we still got to see some animals and ride the carousel. The zoo has fake dinosaurs around this summer and some of them make noise. We were near the lion area and one of the dinosaurs was making noise and the lion was roaring back at it. Then the lion looked and saw us standing there and stopped roaring. It was pretty neat to watch. We had a great evening and are looking forward to many summer evenings at the zoo. 
Leo wasn't sure about the dinosaurs. 
Remy's first carousel ride. 
Quinn remembers where Dave has taken her picture on previous zoo trips and anytime we get to that spot she asks him to take her picture! She is such a ham. 
This kid is wild. He grabbed the helmet and got on the scooter himself. He loves to ride on things and always wants to be outside. He has no fear and is sure to have some bumps and bruises along the way. 

Summer evenings are good, life is good 

Labor Day Weekend

This picture has nothing to do with our Labor Day really but it was so cool I had to take a picture. I was at the store picking up some treats for my kiddos for our last day of speech party and the coke display was Dave and Melissa. There was no explanation as to why this was the display but its a pretty good one! 
We had a great Labor Day Weekend this year. I finished with work on Friday and then Julie, Han and Braxton came to visit us! We always have such a great time when they come to visit and I wish we lived closer so we could hang out more!! The weekend was filled with lots of good food, relaxing and great family time. One of my favorite parts of visiting with them is getting to see the cousins interact together. Quinn, Braxton and Leo had so much fun playing together and the house was full of laughter all weekend. 
On Saturday afternoon we went bowling on base and had a great time. Braxton was passed out for the start of the bowling fun but then woke up to join in. And of course since Aunt Juju was involved, there was a lot of dancing! 
On Sunday we got up early and headed to Bearworld. The guys even had a nice little song for our trip, something along the lines of "We're going to Bearworld, going to Bearworld…", they had a nice little jingle for the road trip. The kids did awesome in the car and the weather ended up being great. 
The cutest little cousins. 
The petting zoo was a huge hit with all the kids. Leo thought the goats were dogs and kept trying to lay on them like he does Charlie and was getting in their faces trying to get some kisses. Quinn loved when the pig came out and was rolling in the mud. 
We took the tour where you get to feed the bears. 
Leo is holding on for his life.
The kids loved the amusement rides, that is Quinn's favorite part of the whole park. She would ride those rides all day if we let her. Juju was a trooper and took the kids on many of the rides. There is a spinning bear ride that Dave and Juju took the kids on and the whole ride Leo was signing "all done!" We ate some bear shaped french fries, drove through the park and watched the baby bears get bottle fed before heading home. 
Since we were not allowed to roll our windows down, Han did some filming out of the sunroof. 
The kids loved being our of their carseats and seeing the animals. 
It was such a great day spent with family. We all had a blast and the kids spent most of the ride home passed out. 
Family visits are good, life is good