Sunday, October 30, 2011

Fall update

It has been a while since I have posted. There have been many exciting things happening around here. I am now almost 25 weeks pregnant and am feeling good. The only issue I have is some serious lower back pain and I am pretty sure a lot of that comes from my job and sitting on the floor all day. I had a doctor's appointment on Friday and my belly grew 6 cm! We have finally agreed on a name and that makes me very happy. I am such a planner, I didn't like not knowing! Baby will be named Quinn Marcella. The speech therapist in me is thinking that might be a tough name for a little one to say : ) I don't have many baby bump pictures but here is the last one I do have. It is of Dave and me after my sister's baby shower a few weekends ago. Also is one of my only pictures of my sister and I preggo together because she jumped ship 7 weeks early : )

Speaking of my sister....... she had her baby!!! Nolan Oliver was born last Tuesday morning at 4:21. He is doing good for being 7 weeks early! It was quite a shocker when we got that phone call because my sister did not have any signs/symptoms of early labor. She got out of the hospital a few days ago but Nolan will be in the hospital for a little bit longer. Here are a few pictures of the little man. Keep  him in your prayers so he can keep growing and come home soon!! 

This weekend Dave was in Dallas teaching a deployment class so I spent the weekend at my parent's house and at the hospital with the family. Dave will only be gone for about 36 hours total but it feels like forever. I have no clue how I ever made it 6 months last year! 
Yesterday we had a Halloween party at my aunt's house. It was a lot of fun and of course there was good food. The kiddos were so cute and got tons of loot. 

Of course I must update about the dogs. They are doing great. I can't wait to see how they respond to the new baby in the house! This year for Halloween Sammy is being a banana again because he got too fat for the pirate costume my mom bought him last year and Charlie is being the Headless horseman horse. I will post pictures after they dress up tomorrow. 

Hope you enjoyed a little update on us. With my nephew here now and the upcoming holidays I will try to be posting more often. Have a great Monday!! 

Babies are good, life is good!!