Thursday, April 4, 2013

A little of our trip

We had an amazing time in Hawaii. The first day we got there we went to our favorite dinner place on Oahu, Duke's. It has an amazing outdoor eating area that overlooks the ocean and there are tiki torches. The atmosphere is my favorite. We had a direct flight to Hawaii which was nice for Quinn, however we were all tired from the time change and the travel. Quinn was a little bit fussy at dinner which she never is! I got this picture of her eating her pineapple, it cracks me up!

Last time we went to the beach Q was 5 months old and she hated it. She cried when her feet touched the sand and she was afraid of the waves. I was hoping this time would be better and it was. She LOVED it. Every time the waves came up over her feet she would crack up. Her sweet laugh was the best part of the whole vacation. She had a hard time walking in the sand and ended up doing this funny bear crawl most of the time she was on the sand.  Overall I think Quinn had a great time. She loved smiling at everybody and she absolutely loved the elevators! (I will tell more about that later) I love this picture of her and Dave playing in the water and sunset. 

We ate at another place we really loved called Hula Grill on Tuesday night. We of course had AMAZING fish. Quinn didn't make it thru dinner so we just let her nap on the bench. 

We actually did a lot of beach relaxing on this trip. There is a beach bar at the Hale Koa where we stayed. If you are military and are going to Hawaii you can not beat the price and the amenities. It has one of the best beaches on Waikiki. Our favorite drink in Hawaii is called a Lava Flow. I can't even tell you how many of these things I drank. I love them! YUM. Quinn started saying "more" on this trip without the sign and then if you didn't respond she would then add the sign for "more". Talk about making her speech momma happy! Every time we would drink these she would put her cup down and point to our drinks and say "more, more, more." Off course we didn't share but it was so cute! Speaking of language development, she also started signing "please" and will say "tee". THEN all by herself she started doing "more please" with sign and voice. I just love it!

Quinn loved the balconies off our hotel and our condo. She would stand out there and yell at the birds and just laugh. I am pretty sure a binky or two may have went over the edge. There were a few binks that went MIA. Also we have no humidity in Utah. I forgot how much I hate humidity! Quinn's hair in Utah is kind of curly, definitely in the back but the top is usually straight or wavy. In Hawaii it was SO curly everyday. It was the cutest thing! 

Vacations are good, life is good. 

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