Sunday, September 21, 2014

7 month old Leo

Leo is getting so big (well not really "big" in size but getting old!). He is already 7 (7 and 3//4 actually....) months old. At his doctor's appointment last week (because he had a fever) we found out he hasn't gained much weight lately so we have to work on feeding him more high calorie foods and go back in a month and make sure his weight continues to increase. He is getting longer just not fatter! The boy loves to eat but does not like to take milk or formula when he isn't with me! I have been a crazy lady lately trying to get him to eat all the time but he has not been feeling good so he hasn't been interested. Speaking of not feeling well, I think he is teething which is causing his runny nose and fever. His two front teeth appear to be close to popping through.
I just love him so much. He is the sweetest thing and loves to snuggle. He crawls everywhere! There isn't a time where he will just sit and play, he is always looking around for something to get in. He is also pulling himself up onto things (the couch, walker, diaper genie, etc.) and walking or pushing along them. I need to go buy him a push walker toy soon and maybe some boy toys for christmas. He does a great job playing with all of Quinn's toys. He currently loves her makeup mirror and plays with it whenever we are in her room.
When we tried to get his 7 month pictures he was all smiles and it only took about 2 minutes to be done with them. However, Quinn was watching Pocahontas (her current favorite) and would not come into the room for pictures with her "bruder." (Speaking of Pocahontas- Quinn's favorite song from the movie is the "savages, savages, sound the drums of war" song. She will sing it all the time. It makes me crack up. Out of all the songs in that movie, that is the one she loves and wants to sing.)
I just love this kids eyebrows. He is always raising them and it makes me laugh to see his different expressions with his eyebrows.

One thing Leo is always doing is breaking the legs off Quinn's princess table. This table drives me insane! The legs come out so easy and Dave tried to fix it once (by using wood glue.... which didn't work since it is plastic) but they always break off!! Leo loves to crawl over to it, knock it over and pull the legs out and chew on them and wave them around. This isn't a problem when she isn't using it but often he wants the table when she is eating her snack on it. So what usually happens is I am in the kitchen doing something and I here Quinn screaming "no, a dragon, a dragon" and then Leo proceeds to knock the table over. Her snack goes flying and the dogs are right there to jump in and help clean it up. She is now screaming because the "dragon"(aka Leo) knocked over her table and the dogs are eating her snack and I have to run in and swoop up Leo before he tries and eats whatever snack is now on the floor. This happens very often. 

I can't believe how much faster they grow up when they are not the first one. I feel like it took forever for Quinn to get to 7 months but with Leo I don't even remember how we got to this point! As the second child we didn't do birth announcements, have a baptism party, get 6 month pictures and he doesn't even have a baby book (I still have finished Quinn's but at least she has one!). I feel bad that he doesn't get all the "stuff" the first child got but I know I love him just as much as I love her!! 
I read a really good article about having a second child and it talked about all the things that happen to the second (i.e. no baby book, less pictures, big sibling being mean, not as nice clothes, etc.) but it also talked about how much they are loved and it really hit home with me! It was so true, he is the best little man ever and I can't even remember our lives before he was here. Happy 7 months little Leo!! 

baby boys are good, life is good 

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