Sunday, August 22, 2010

Weekend Project

One of our guest bedrooms is going to have a "Beatles Theme" in it. This was inspired by the pillow below. My sister and I were shopping and I found this pillow and loved it. I already had bought a black quilt and white sheets for the bed in that room and this pillow would go perfect. Then after we bought it my sister said "that pillow reminds me of the Beatles "blackbird" song. From there we decided to put in Beatles inspired decor! 

For my birthday my sister bought me a yellow submarine radio to put on the nightstand: 

This weekend I re-finished Dave's childhood dresser to go in the Beatles guest room. Here is a before picture (and that ugly bird is some Airforce thing that I have to find a place for in my house!? I think a closet is the best place for it????) 
Also our house does not look like this dresser! I HATE clutter and just looking at this picture makes me want to scream. Most of this is Dave's office stuff that I need to go thru and organize. It has now been moved downstairs to the office and I am going shopping today for furniture! 

Before dresser picture:

On Friday I took off all the hardware and started to sand it with a hand sander. After 2 hours of sanding by hand I had finished one and 1/2 drawers. I had a LONG way to go and my arms were sore. 

On Saturday my parents came up to help finish the dresser and to put up the ceiling fan. We went to Home Depot and I bought a power sander. After we had that the project went much quicker. My mom did a little, I tried it out too but ultimately we let my dad do most of the work. I had bought masks for him to wear but he refused. After about an hour of nonstop sanding he went outside to "clear out his lungs". Here is a picture of my mom in action: 

Here are the after pictures. I think it looks great! 

The mirror is going to hang above the center of the dresser. It is the "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" inspired mirror and our strawberry candle for "Strawberry Fields Forever." If you have any suggestions for how to incorporate more Beatles songs let me know! I will show you more pictures of the room once it is completely finished. I think I have caught the renovation bug because after this dresser I am on the look out for my next project! It was so much fun and I think it turned out great!

Have a great day! LIFE IS GOOD : ) 


  1. WOW, you really did such a nice job on the dresser. It looks completely new but still holds sentimental value. Awesome. Also, I'm absolutely loving the theme!!!!
