Wednesday, January 20, 2016


I wanted to do an update on Quinn since she will be 4 in a few weeks! I can't believe it has been 4 years since she came into our lives. She is such a blessing and keeps us on our toes! I don't even know where to start. I guess I can start with her sass. She has recently started showing some attitude and all I can do is laugh. She yells things like "I need privacy" and slams her door. We are all in trouble when she becomes a teenager. She is hilarious and comes up with the best stories. Today she told me she wanted a horse so I of course said she needed to talk to her dad about that one. She quickly responded, "just look on your computer and order me one." Apparently we order WAY too much from Amazon around our house. She also told me if I was grumpy to her "one more time" that she would "X" me out of the family picture she drew. I just don't even know how to take these things! 
The ideas she comes up with are so creative. The other day she made a "zip-line" while she was supposed to be napping by using baby diapers and hangers. She always creates very elaborate play things in her room while she is supposed to be sleeping. She is very artistic and draws pretty impressive pictures, which she always wants to send a picture of to grandma and papaw. I think her coloring inside the lines for a 3 year (almost 4 year old) is great. She can build things with blocks that I don't even think I could do (or come up with the idea). 
I love how caring and mothering she is to Leo and Finley. She loves Leo (most of the time) and really watches out for him. There have been several times when playing with other kids that she has stood up for Leo if somebody was not playing nice to him. Then she will later tell you they were "being mean to her brother." I love how she talks to him and tries to show him things (like coloring inside the lines, she gets so aggravated that he can't color pictures like her). She also has times where she is not in the mood for him and locks him out of her room by shutting the door and then pushing everything that she can in front of the door so that he can't open it. 
She is always testing me it feels like and is helping me to grow as a mother and a person. She will let me know when she does not like something that I am doing or if I am being grumpy. Her vocabulary is fantastic. She says things like "hilarious, disgusting, horrible, dangerous." Her new thing is telling you that things make her nervous and that she doesn't want to do things that "make her nervous." She is a spitting image of Dave but many parts of her personality are me. She looked out the window the other day to the snow and said "Holy sh*t, it is snowing!" I almost peed on myself. 
She is a great listener (most of the time) and is the best little helper. She loves to help me in the kitchen and to wear her apron. She leaves off the beginning of many multi syllabic words (tend/pre-tend for example) and it cracks me up. She says "sangs" for "things" and "head fore" for "forehead." When I try to correct her /k/ and /g/ errors she quickly lets me know that I am wrong and it is said "worT (work)." She is a fireball and loves her daddy very much! She loves the color purple, stuffed animals, coloring and orange juice. She is not a fan of trying new foods or wearing jeans (because they are "too scratchy" of course. She loves to go to the store with mommy and watch TV shows with her brother. 
She is very smart and is doing great in school. I could go on and on about my little Quinnie! I love her spirt and the spunky little girl she is. I love that she challenges me with her messy room and then tells me she is simply "having a party" when I gripe about it for the millionth time. She gives the best hugs and kisses and is an expert cuddle bug. I can't wait to watch her grow and see who she becomes because I know it is going to be something special. 

Quinn is great, life is good. 


  1. Aww, your Quinn sounds very similar to my Abby. I bet they would be good friends. Maybe Quinn can show Abby how to be a good big sister...Abby has either 2 feelings for him. Either she is mean to him (pushing, kicking, shouting) or she couldn't care less about her brother and ignores him entirely. Genuine nice moments are so very rare.
    You're such a good mommy! :)

    1. I bet they would be friends!!! I remember when we were both pregnant and doing our social group!! Hope you guys are doing well!
