Monday, October 12, 2015

Surprise... we are having a baby!!

On Thursday night I was having some serious back pain that came and went a few times and then I didn't have anymore. I didn't think anything of it. On Friday, Leo decided he would get up at 5:30 and refuse to go back to sleep. I ended up bringing him in our room because I was so tired and he got to lay in bed with me and watch some TV (this never happens for him!). I think he knew something was about to go down. Friday was crazy. We went to MOPS, came home for about 30 minutes and then the kids went to our neighbors house while I met Dave at the doctor for an ultrasound and my 38 week appointment. The ultrasound went great and everything looked good. The tech guessed baby weighed about 6 pounds 2 ounces. Dave headed back to work and I went to my appointment. The doctor wanted to do a non-stress test just to double check everything was looking good and to make me feel more at ease because I had been nervous this past week about my belly growth. She hooked me up and left the room. I was watching the heartbeat and it looked good but I really didn't know what the bottom part of the sheet was looking at. Every couple of minutes it was spiking up. The doctor came back in and asked if I was having any contractions and I said no because I wasn't really noticing anything. She said I was having contractions every 2 minutes! I was in shock. (After she told me this I knew the baby had been moving and what I thought was just pushing her butt out, was apparently a contraction. However, at this point they were not painful. Now that I was paying attention to the contractions they were coming pretty frequently.) I was already 3 centimeters dilated as well. She recommended I go straight to Labor and Delivery to get monitored for a longer period of time. I was in complete shock! I decided to go home first (and she made sure I knew that she was not recommending I do that). I didn't have a bag packed, my house was a mess and we had no plans for what to do with our kids.
 I called Dave at work and told him to get home and start getting things together. He was sure it was false labor and they would send us home. I hadn't really eaten anything all day and all I could think about at my doctors appointment was what I wanted to eat when I left. Now I was freaking out!!! We made a quick game plan for the kids (luckily we have amazing neighbors and friends that took the kids for us and we didn't have to worry about them being in good hands!), I packed a hospital bag in about 3 minutes and Dave and I went to the hospital. We got all checked in and the contractions were still coming every 2-3 minutes. I went from 3-4 centimeters in about 45 minutes and the doctor said we would be having a baby that day. I just started crying! I was not mentally ready to have a baby THAT DAY!! 
Dave left to get the kids to their next destination and to get the bag out of the car that we hoped we would not be needing. While he was gone they got my IV hooked up (which took 4 tries because they couldn't get the lines to thread) and then I started really feeling the contractions. I had Dave stop and get Chipotle to eat after the baby was born because I knew the hospital kitchen would be closed, I was so hungry at this point I just wanted to eat. The next several hours are really a blur to me.
I waited too long with Leo to get the epidural and didn't want to make that mistake again this time. It was a very busy night for babies and my nurse recommended I go ahead and get the epidural before I went any longer because they were so busy she didn't want me to miss my opportunity. Our last experience at that hospital with the epidural was miserable but this time we had an amazing guy and he had a student with him. Everything went really well and it was much better than last time. I started feeling extremely nauseous after the epidural and my legs wouldn't stop kicking. After a little while of misery with my legs and nausea they came back in to do an epidural/spinal tap. Once that was done it was much better, my legs were not going crazy! I was still not feeling great but what I was dealing with was better than the contractions I was having before. We just hung out for a little bit. I wasn't really able to rest much because I don't like how I feel when I have an epidural and it just isn't very relaxing to me. I tried to get some rest and Dave put on music and we hung out until my doctor was done with a c-section and came in to deliver our little babe. 
My doctor came in at 11 and broke my water then after waiting a little for things to get going we were ready to push. This doctor was just as good as Leo's and I had a great nurse and tech as well. And of course Dave is always amazing during my deliveries. It was really smooth and after pushing through 5 contractions we had our little girl. The whole process seems horrible while it is happening but now looking back I already want to do it again (just one more time), funny how that works. 
She was born at 12:59 am on October 10th in room 410 (we were later moved into room 210), I think 10 is her number. She was 20 inches long and weighed 6 lbs 5 ounces. She is long and so thin. We need to work on getting her chunky! She came out screaming and was just the cutest thing ever. I think right away we both noticed that she looks just like our other 2. I guess I will have another little Dave Junior. She is a healthy baby girl and we were in love from first sight. 
We didn't have a name picked out but had a list of names we had liked during the whole pregnancy. During my labor and the days before we were really liking the name Rowan and thought that would be it. The first time I held her, Finley came to my mind and I was positive that was going to be it. However, I was exhausted and starving and didn't want to make any decisions in that condition. So after we all slept and ate we decided for good around noon that her name would be Finley. I really love it and think it fits her already. 
We got transferred to our room and Dave went to watch her get her bath. I was able to get up and walk pretty quickly after her delivery and got to eat my Chipotle around 4 am. After she ate for the first time (she is already a champ with nursing) we sent her back to the nursery because at this point Dave and I had been up for 24 hours. We both finally got to sleep around 5:30 Saturday morning. 
The left side is Finley, the top right is Leo and bottom is Quinn. Now that we are home I really see Quinn in her. 
We had a great stay in the hospital. I swear, I would stay there for like a week if they would let me. I sleep so good, the nursery takes her so I can rest and they bring me whatever food I order, it is amazing. We had great nurses and I really liked my doctor. We have been so lucky and all 3 of our deliveries have been great. 
My friend Joanna came on Saturday to see us and brought me Starbucks, flowers, presents for Finley and cheesecake, she is the best! Dave went and picked up the kids from our friends Erin's house and they went to the store to buy Fin a present. Quinn had talked about buying the baby a present before she came to the hospital for weeks. She was so cute and couldn't wait to hold the baby. I was surprised because Leo was actually interested in her too. He always says "baby" and points to her. Now that we are home he tries and says her name. He even shares his trains and train blanket with her so I think that means he really loves her. Having a toddler in a hospital room is a bit nuts so Dave took the kids home to nap and let me rest. 
He sent me this picture after they got home. Quinn was out. They had a great time with our friends and we are so thankful that we have such great people here to help us out. Not having family during a time like this is hard but our military friends and neighbors were just amazing during this whole pregnancy (really all the time too!). 
After everybody rested Dave brought the kids back up because Quinn wanted to read Finley her favorite Halloween book before she went to bed (how sweet is that!). When they got there I had Finley laying on the bed and Leo walked up and stared at her and said "baby." It was the sweetest. Then he climbed up on the bed and put his hands out because he wanted to hold her. He looked at Dave and said "cheese." They stayed for a bit and then headed home to get the house ready for us to come home on Sunday. 
Since I delivered so late Friday night/Saturday morning we stayed in the hospital until Sunday evening. Dave stayed home with the kids to clean the house and get some things ready since we didn't have anything everything ready yet. I was able to nap pretty much all day and watch football. Then Sunday evening we all headed home as a party of 5. Last night was a little stressful. The kids were excited I was home and I was just exhausted. Finley decided she wasn't into sleeping until about 4:30 this morning. Luckily today was much better and Dave is home for a little bit so I think we are going to adjust just fine. The kids are both doing great and the dogs are even being good. Our friends have a meal train set up for us and it is amazing. I am excited to have her home with us and looking forward to all the memories we are going to make! 

surprises are good, life is good

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