Friday, October 10, 2014

Leo 8 months old

Leo is now 8 months old and on the move. He is SO busy, I can't keep up with him! He is climbing up the stairs every chance he gets and pushing tables and toys across the floor. He likes to eat bananas and anything else he can get his hands on. The other night Quinn was eating tacos and rice in the living room on her table (it was Sunday Night Football so dinner was in the living room in front of the TV....) and Leo crawled right over and knocked her plate on the floor. Before I could get to him he was shoving taco meat and rice in his face with both hands. He gets very upset when his food is gone. He will sit in his highchair for a very long time as long as you keep giving him food. I weighed him the other day and per my really accurate weighing strategy of holding him on the scale with me, he was up almost 2 pounds. 
He is such a mommy's boy. He loves to snuggle me and is the sweetest little boy ever. Leo has recently started saying "mama." The SLP in me knows this is early for him to use a first word but I swear sometimes there is intent behind it! He is much more active than Quinn was but he does not make as many sounds as her. 
He currently loves to play with a drum stick. It is part of a toy music set but he just likes to crawl around holding it and then start hitting random things. He is a wild animal. The baby gate we used to keep Quinn corralled doesn't do the same job with Leo. He just shoves it and pushes on it until it falls over and he smacks on his stomach. Then he gets up and crawls right over top of it and onto whatever he wants. 
He loves Quinn. He has started getting up at 5am and I will take him into my room to feed him. Then he will start smiling and crawl over to Quinn (because she is almost always in our bed....) and try to wake her up. He wants to play and blows raspberries and is so full of smiles. I then take him back to his bed and he gets so mad but he needs to learn that we do not wake up at that hour in our house! 
I love bath time with these little people. Leo wants all the toys and is always chewing mermaid Cinderella's head off. 

This picture makes me laugh. He is looking at her like "what in the world." If I hold him after I get out of the shower and still have a towel on my head, he is confused. Then I take my hair down and he starts smiling so big. 


It may look like she is sharing in this picture but I am almost positive she is about to take it away from him because it is "hers." 
This might be the best picture I have of the two of them together. Trying to get a picture of them both looking at the camera is a nightmare. 

Poor Sammy. He is such a good dog. Both of our dogs put up with so much and are super loving to our kids. Quinn has started yelling at Dave and I when we are mean to Charlie. She will say "he a good boy. Be nice to him!" 

This boy loves to pull hair! 

The last 8 months are a complete blur. I feel like it was just yesterday and I was pregnant with Leo. He is a perfect addition to our family and Dave and I always talk about how lucky we feel to have 2 great and healthy kids. 

Smiles are good, life is good. 

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