Saturday, March 1, 2014

These days

Being a family of 4 hasn't been as big of an adjustment as I thought except for when we have to leave the house. It is safe to say we will never be on time again. The biggest adjustment has been for the poor dogs. They just keep getting moved down the ladder and I feel awful. I really think they both are in complete shock about the little amount of attention they are now getting. My mom recently came to visit (more about that in another post) and Charlie was so excited because she paid attention to him and threw his frisbee. You know it is bad when Quinn is yelling at the dogs to "move" and "get". 
After Leo was born we were so lucky to have friends bring us meals. It was very helpful!! My friend Ashlee brought over these amazing cupcakes that she makes with this vanilla icing that I can eat by the spoonful. They are really good frozen so I put them in the freezer to eat later and Quinn saw me. She wanted me to get her one and when I wouldn't she decided to try and get them herself. Yes, she was hanging from the freezer door in an attempt to get to the cupcakes- they are that good! 

Lately our weekends include lots of Mickey Mouse clubhouse, being lazy and catching up on sleep. Leo has not been the best sleeper at night and Quinn is waking up a lot also. It makes for a very tired mom and dad. He is getting better (fingers crossed it continues) and only eating 3 times a night. 
Quinn is so good with him. She turns on his music in his chair when he cries and will try to share her toys with him. There are some times when I am feeding him and she wants me to play with her. She will point to his bouncer or the pack-n-play and say "Leo down". She is very observant these days and will copy pretty much anything we do: including pumping. She says "milk, Leo milk." (It is actually "milT"  which is the cutest thing ever). 

The kids (which is weird to say "kids" with a plural) took their first of many baths together. Quinn loved having him in the bathtub with her. He actually really likes being in the water and doesn't cry at all. He is going to have to get used to rocking the girl colors because we have a lot of pink things around this house. 

I just love this smile of hers. 

Sharing toys. 

He still isn't sleeping in his crib because he is eating so much it is easier to keep him in our room for now but we will put him in there for a little bit now and then. He loves his mobile and will lay there and watch it for about 15-20 minutes before he is over it. 

Quinn and I made chocolate chip cookies the other day. I found an amazing recipe on Pinterest that I think I will keep. It was not okay the number of cookies Dave and I ate in a matter of days. Quinn loved helping make the cookies- she is getting so big, so fast! 

Hope you enjoyed a quick recap of our days lately. 

Cookies are good, Life is good. 

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