Sunday, March 1, 2015

Leo is ONE!!!

This is a few months late and I never got around to taking his 12-month sticker picture (second child problems) but LEO IS ONE!! This has really been the fastest year of my life. I feel like it was yesterday that we were heading into the hospital to have him. He is an amazing little guy and I feel so lucky he is in our family. 
He really has the sweetest smile and I love when Quinn and I go in to get him in the morning he is standing in his crib with that big sweet smile. When we go to get him Quinn will say "Good Morning Bugaboo!" and it melts my heart every time. 
Lately he is into books and loves Llama Llama Nighty Night. When we read the book, he laughs and points to the pictures. His current favorite thing to say is "bu" and he uses it for pretty much everything. He also says, "mama, more, milk, beep beep (when he is playing with cars and it's my favorite) and "bu" for pretty much everything else. The only (kind of) sign he will use is he puts his hand out and does this grabbing motion when he wants something, I take that as a home sign for "want". 
He is not a big fan of bath time but lately I have been putting him in a laundry basket in the bath tub so his toys don't float away and that seems to help. We used to have him in a little bath chair and he loved it and every since we took that away he doesn't like baths. I think the laundry basket helps him feel secure maybe like his bath chair did. 
Leo loves Charlie like I have mentioned hundreds of times but it is still true. He lays on him, pets him and lately pretends to brush his hair. He will stand by Charlie and say "ba" and I don't know if this is just random noise making or if he is imitating our yelling "bad" at Charlie. 
The boy has a temper that is for sure! If he doesn't want something or you make him mad he has this awful scream and then he will throw whatever he can find or currently has. He doesn't like his hands being cleaned and screams like you are hurting him when you try to clean them. He eats like a cow! I don't think I am ready for my grocery bill to rise while feeding a boy, I mean the other day he hate 4.5 french toast sticks for breakfast and wanted more! Basically I could go on and on about this sweet little boy but he is pretty much amazing and I can't wait for his personality to keep coming out. 
For his birthday my mom, sister and nephews flew in and we had a mini little birthday party. Leo was sick on his birthday so he wasn't really into anything. I got a cake and some Mickey Mouse decorations so he didn't look back and feel like he got completely ripped off.  Leo was very lucky and got lots of presents from family and friends and the big kids loved playing with them while he wasn't feel well! 
He was not interested in blowing out his candles or eating his cake on his actual birthday. Poor little guy was not feeling good at all! 
Since all the cousins were together we wanted to do some pictures. Now getting 4 children to cooperate for pictures is a bit crazy. We were able to get some super cute ones of the little boys and to get some fun cake smash pictures. Leo was eating a graham cracker when it was his turn for pictures and refused to put it down. We were able to get some cute ones when he was finished eating that silly cracker! 
They were not real sure about the cake smash but ended up enjoying themselves and making a huge mess! I am glad we were able to get these pictures of them together at this special time. 

Birthdays are good, life is good. 

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