Monday, March 2, 2015

First Dentist Appointments

Quinn and Leo had their first dentist appointments today. Quinn kept talking about going to the dentist all morning and was having mixed feelings about it. Sometimes she acted like she was excited and others she asked about the dentist with a little fear in her voice. She was a very brave girl and once we walked inside she was all about it since the office was decked out to look like a spaceship. This helps since one of her favorite shows right now is Miles from Tomorrowland, she was convinced this is also where Miles goes to the dentist. Her and Leo gravitated to the kid play room which had iPads on the walls and a little TV and they were in heaven. 
When we went back they did x-rays and she sat in the chair like such a big girl. It made me a little sad because she looked so grown up! She did great in the chair because they had a TV in the ceiling and she watched Tinkerbell while they cleaned her teeth. No surprise that she picked grape (purple) for her flavor and a princess toothbrush. Leo was a maniac the entire appointment and I got to chase him around the office. 
I was so proud of how well she did. She just sat there and did what they said. When the dentist came he said she was doing a great job brushing and we had no cavities! I was thrilled because I thought for sure she was going to have some but I was so glad that she didn't. Since we were there with Leo the dentist went ahead and did his first check up. Basically he just checked his teeth to see how many he had and then brushed them. Leo got a Mickey tooth brush and a toy duck. Everybody was happy when we left and we celebrated with ice cream! 
Showing off her pretty smile! 

No cavities are good, life is good 

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