Friday, January 16, 2015

Leo 11 months

We finally got around to taking Leo's 11 month pictures the other night. My camera decided to stop working for some reason (thankfully with Han's help, Dave was able to fix it for me). While I was trying to get my camera to work I got this sweet photo of Dave, he is my favorite! 
I say this every.single.month but really I can't believe he is 11 months old!!! In 2 short weeks he will be 1, this was seriously the fastest year of my life. This was a big month for him, he started drinking from a sippy cup, stopped nursing and started walking! He never used a bottle or took formula (he is a stubborn little bug and didn't like them and refused to have anything to do with them). He is currently drinking water and milk (a few weeks early and our pediatrician told us it wasn't recommended but I don't know what else to do with him! He's a stinker). He sleeps through the night pretty much every night. He goes to bed at 7:30 and wakes up anywhere from 7-9. This is amazing since Quinn still doesn't have a bedtime routine and doesn't sleep through the night, it is nice to have one child who will sleep. 
He is now very interested in toys and loves to carry around a car in each hand. He also now loves balls. He has a little soccer and basketball and he tries to carry them both at one time and then drops them. It is pretty funny to watch him try and get them to stack on top of each other so he can hold them. Leo also loves his sissy. Anywhere she is and whatever she is doing is what he wants also. He climbs onto her bed and then she starts jumping and he cracks up. I think it is so sweet to watch their relationship develop and how much she cares for him (most of the time). She is very nurturing. 
He has now started to do some babbling but not much. He does like to scream and if you scream back he will crack up. He understands a  lot. The other day I asked him if he wanted cheese and he walked right over to the fridge. My favorite thing he does right now is if I ask him to give me a kiss, he will open his mouth wide and lean in toward me to get a kiss. If I ask him to come give me a kiss if he is not near me, he starts walking to me and smacks his lips, it melts my heart. 
Getting pictures this month was nuts! My camera wasn't working so I was taking them on my phone. Leo wasn't interested in being in his chair at all so they are not the best! 
sippy cups are good, life is good 

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