Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Leo's 10 month pictures and putting up the tree

A few weeks ago we put up the Christmas tree. Quinn is at such a fun age and is really loving everything about Christmas this year. She was super excited about putting up the tree and hanging the ornaments. Leo was more interested in getting into everything and making a mess. It was a fun evening and we enjoyed getting our house ready for Christmas! 
 Of course we did this on a Sunday so we had to have the football game on so Dave could keep track of his fantasy football team. 
It worked out well because it was also (past) time to do Leo's 10 month pictures. We did Quinn's 10 month pictures in front of the tree too and I love that we have similar pictures of them. He was very cooperative for the pictures and I think we got some cute ones. I love his smile and when he smiles and his little teeth stick out. 
Quinn was in a bit of a mood at this point which sometimes happens at the joyful age of 2/almost 3. She was not happy about getting her picture with Leo and eventually headed back by the tree to do a pout session. The attitude that she is already expressing is sure to be fun to deal with when she is a teenager.
 Then with a little promise of ice cream she perked right up. :) 
 Let's talk about Leo and his 10 month updates. He climbs onto everything he can. His love of food has continued and he eats pretty much everything we eat and more than Quinn on most days. His current favorites are: bananas, chicken nuggets, yogurt (greek blueberry yogurt to be exact), pirate popcorn and black beans. He also took his first steps! Not really "walking" anywhere on a regular basis but definitely taking steps here and there, his most is 10 steps right now. He will stand up all the time and then get down and do his funny little crawl to get whatever he wants. Still a momma's boy and loves to snuggle. He has found a love for cars and enjoys rolling them back and forth. He also currently loves the vacuum, trash cans, my phone and crawling on Charlie. I can't believe he is almost 11 months old and that means that the next month is his one year birthday!! My baby is getting big too fast. 
Christmas is good, life is good 

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