Sunday, November 11, 2012

Where does the time go?!?!

Quinn is 9 months old! I can't believe it. She is getting so big... way too fast. She is getting super fast with her crawling and gets into EVERYTHING. Yesterday she tried to crawl while holding Dave's phone and fell on her face. It wasn't funny that she cried but it was funny that she was trying to crawl and hold the phone at the same time. She loves phones!  For Christmas we got her one of those cases for babies that you can put your phone in and they can play with it. We gave it to her yesterday.... and she loves it : )
Today she managed to get to the dog bowl before we could get to her and spilled the entire bowl full of water. The floor was soaked and she needed to be changed. She is talking up a storm and loves to wave and clap. She is the best and makes us laugh all the time. I just love her so much!
A quick summary about other less important things in our life: I started a new job and LOVE it. Which is good for the whole family because when mama isn't happy.... nobody is happy! : )  I am working at the Utah school for the deaf and blind. My entire caseload is children with hearing loss and I get to use ASL everyday. It really is an awesome job and I am excited to see what I can learn.
The dogs are good... I think they are finally adjusting to not getting very much attention. Charlie is very happy because we got about 6 inches of snow yesterday and he enjoys playing frisbee in it. Sammy hates the snow and uses the bathroom on the deck so that he doesn't have to walk out into it... awesome.
Dave's job is going well and he likes it. We have met some good friends and are enjoying our time in Utah. We just found out we will definitely be here for at least 2 years and are happy about that. Feel free to come out and visit...... it is SO pretty! : )
Pictures of our little babe:

Snow is good..... Life is good 

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