Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Playtime with Q

Quinn has such a personality. She is in a good mood pretty much all the time and is super easy. It makes me a little nervous that Leo won't be so easy going and I won't know what to do! 
Every morning when I go in to get her up she has the biggest smile on her face and says "morning." It is the best part of the day (and also the worst because then we are running around like crazy to get to daycare and work on time and all I want to do is stay home and snuggle.....). 
She loves to facetime and always "plays" with my mom when we talk to her. The other day she wanted to take grandma and grandpa for a ride in her stroller. She is also a fan of bunny ears and likes to wear them around. Quinn would yell down to the phone and say "ready" and then push them across the room. It was cute and she did this for about 15 minutes. 

Right now Minnie Mouse and Quinn's build a bear, creatively known at our house as "bear" are the most popular toys. She carries them around and needs them to go everywhere with her. This day she was making sure they were getting a snack and a drink while I got breakfast ready. I love how she had to have bibs on them also. 

If there is anything happening with food, Sammy isn't too far away. This is probably why he has gotten extremely fat since we moved to Utah and Quinn started to eat table foods. 

She is very much like Dave in a lot of ways but one of them is her love for technology. She LOVES playing on our phones, the computer, Ipads, etc. There are times that I will drive the Jetta (which does not have a DVD player in it) and she refuses to get in the car in the morning because she wants to watch Mater in the Pilot. Her ability to navigate to Netflixs is scary! Tonight she grabbed my phone and Dave's phone and put them both on Netflix but on different shows, one on Mickey Mouse and one on Curious George. She also thinks everything is a touch screen and tries to "swipe" on my camera when she is ready to change to a new picture. I think she is going to be very good with technology! 

This is random (but it makes me smile and I just had to share..), every time she turns on a light switch and the light comes on she yells "ta-da." She is so fun and we love her to pieces. 

Playing is good, life is good. 

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