Friday, January 27, 2017

Ohio Trip

This past March we got an unexpected trip back to Ohio because Dave was up for an award at work. We are always proud of his hard work but when it takes us back to Ohio then we are REALLY proud of him! We were so excited to get to spend a week with family! 
This was Leo's first flight that he got his own seat (which also meant we had to pay for a ticket!). He did not want his own seat as soon as the plane took off and sat on my lap for the entire 3 hour flight, luckily Dave was with us so he could hold Finley. 
Quinn has always been a champ on airplanes and when she knows we are going to Grandma's house she is in a great mood. 
Everybody wore out after flying and playing with cousins. I love our trips to Ohio!! 
Dave had to spend the week up at Wright Patt for a course that he was attending so we got to hang out at Grandma and Grandpa's house and play with cousins. It was unseasonably warm on that trip so the kids spent a lot of time playing outside on the trampoline. They love chasing each other and tackling each other too, somebody always ends up crying but they have a great time. Seeing these pictures of Finley so little is giving me serious baby fever! The time just goes way too fast. 
I don't know when it happened but she no longer has her raspberry on her forehead! I forgot all about it until looking at these pictures. She got super spoiled on this trip and got lots of loving from everybody and momma got a little bit of a break. :) 
I believe their words when they came inside were, "we are not napping!!" but when you play nonstop for hours, you pass out. 
Everybody loves papaw. 
One night while we were there Dave had the banquet for the award he was up for. I am the worst wife and have no clue what the award was. It was at a very high level so he did not expect to win and was content with just making it that far in the selection process. We were very shocked and excited that he did indeed win. The actual award was a very cool airplane so that is always fun to get to display in his office. He is such a hard worker and we love him for that. It was nice to have an evening away from the kids and know that they were having fun with Grandma and papaw. 
I think we clean up pretty nicely. 
I can't believe how little she was!!! 
Building a big tower with daddy. 
The rest of the trip was spent just hanging out with family and enjoying our time together. We were able to dye Easter eggs and have an early Easter celebration while we were home. It is always great to get to make these memories with the kids together. 
We said that Aunt Danielle looked really good holding a girl in this picture and we would find out just a few months later that she was pregnant with a girl!  
We were able to meet up with Grandpa Richard and have breakfast before heading back to Utah. Quinn learned to cut her own pancakes that morning. 
It was a great trip home, we loved seeing everybody and making memories!! 

Ohio is good, life is good!! 

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