Monday, March 30, 2020

Covid Week #2

We have now completed week #2 of Covid-19 "social distancing" and sometimes I feel like it will never end and other times I feel sad thinking about how it will end and they won't be home with me all the time again! It really is a strange time. I never would have thought I would be having conversations about how I can only get one thing of eggs or bread or meat at a time and that is even if the store has them in stock! It is surreal going to the store and there are empty shelves where the toilet paper and cleaning supplies should be.
Our kids are pretty young to understand what is going on but today Quinn told my mom, "Don't go to any more stores! I am scared you are going to get sick!" Leo was yelling at Reid the other day after he blew a raspberry in his face, "you are going to give me coronavirus! That is how people get coronavirus!"
My dad is currently off work as are many people and we are praying this doesn't last as long as they are thinking because we know it is financially hard for so many people. We feel really lucky that Dave is still working and that we are not having to stress about bills at this time like many other people are.
I have good days and bad days and so do the kids. Honestly it is such a mental rollercoaster. I love having the kids home and the games they are playing and the memories they are making together are really great. At the same time the pressure to get school work done and turned in on many different websites is very stressful. I also feel the pressure of doing all the other house/life things that happen on a normal day but now with everybody at home and the schoolwork it can be overwhelming. I know this is such a weird time and we will hopefully be back to normal soon so I am trying to give myself some grace and just accept what is for now.
As we approach April and the social distancing was just extended until the end of April I think it is going to be pretty hard. We had several people visiting and trips of our own planned and Spring Break and it was going to be so much FUN! Now we will be at home (which is where we should be to stay safe) but that is hard to know of all the things we should be doing with friends and family. If/when this is all over, we are going to travel ALL SUMMER!!!
Some of our highlights this week included: finding a tick on Quinn's neck (ewww! NJ is full of ticks), Quinn made Dave soup and we dropped it off at his work, the kids made dinner with their Raddish Kids kit and it was a big hit, we jumped in puddles and chatted with friends (from far away).
Yelling at the neighbors. Luckily our house faces the kids little besties so they enjoy yelling across the yard and showing each other toys. And the parents enjoy it also! We miss spending time with friends, we live in such a great neighborhood and it is sad to not get to spend time with all the people in it! 
It has been pretty cold and wet this weekend and we needed to get out! It was freezing but they had a great time and I have plenty of time to wash everybody's clothes when we get home. 
This kid is just too big! Stealing sister's stuff and hanging out in her bed. Dave and Reid both got haircuts in our bathroom this weekend because the barber shops are all closed. 
The little kids are so lucky that Leo is a future Engineer and have had a lot of train track play. 
Friday night is pizza and family movie night and this week that was a picnic on the living room floor. 
Charlie doesn't know why the kids are home all the time but he loves the extra attention. 
We had some great sunshine this week and busted out the water table.
We currently have a swing on our front walkway and with no end in sight to this type of lifestyle, I think we will just leave it there for now. 
Reid is always around when the kids are trying to get work done. 
Yelling at the neighbors some more. 
Super sugary cereal out of a plastic egg? Sure! 
Quinn loves talking with grandma and even got to bake some with her this week.

We are going to make the best of this situation and pray that everybody stays healthy and that we all come out of this experience better than we were before. 

Homeschool is good-ish, life is good. 

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