Friday, January 15, 2016

Q Ice skating

On Christmas Eve we took the kids ice skating. Dave took turns taking Q and Leo on the ice while I stayed with Fin. Both kids loved it, especially Leo. He is not big enough to do classes yet but Q is so we decided to sign her up. Her and Dave went shopping a few days before the class and bought a bright pink helmet to keep her safe. Getting to ice skating was just like getting to soccer and swimming... she cried and yelled about not wanting to go. She wants to do these things and talks about how excited she is until it is time to go, then she gets so upset. Well, she wasn't super excited about doing ice skating once we got there but we will finish the class and hopefully by the end she will feel differently.
I think it is pretty cool that her lessons are on the same rink where they had the Olympic Curling.  
We got her all laced up in her skates while keeping Leo from running all over the place and carrying Finley around, 3 kids is no joke! She was afraid to DO ANYTHING on the ice. She just stood there until the teacher came and helped her "march" to the line. I am that crazy parent that feels like her kid is not getting enough attention and even got an eye roll from the guy in front of us! At least I admit it, right?! But really, there are like 15 kids in her class with one teacher and 2 helpers, for ICE SKATING. This isn't soccer where they already know how to walk or run, these kids can't even stand on the ice without falling. She did a lot of standing during this class but by the end was eventually "marching" a little bit on her own. She did fall one time and was very upset and came over to Dave. She was crying and didn't want to go back out. One of the helpers came over and got her and helped her do a skate around the rink before the class was over. I was very thankful that she did that because it ended the class on a positive note. Hopefully, next week will go smoother, both getting there and while in class and I will work on not being that crazy parent that all the teachers dread seeing walk in.

Trying new things is good, life is good.

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