Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Lately Leo has been paying attention to Charlie more and it is the cutest. Every time he sees Charlie his face lights up and he crawls to him. If Charlie is laying in the living room, Leo crawls right over and starts getting in his face or trying to use him as a step stool to get onto the couch. My favorite is when Charlie goes to get a ball and then lays it down in front of Leo and right before Leo grabs it, Charlie picks it back up. And sometimes he will let Leo get it and play with it.
I complain about Charlie a lot and how big he is and how he is always  in the way and lets not even talk about the amount of dog hair in my house! Then I see these moments where the kids just love him so much and he just lays there and lets them do whatever they want without even moving. Quinn has dressed him up with tiaras and she likes to cover him with blankets and then put her baby dolls on him and he just sits there and takes it. He really is a great dog and we are lucky to have him around! I know the kids will have great memories of Charlie when they grow up.
I don't have any pictures of Sammy but he is being a real trooper too. Life as a dog in a house with a toddler and baby is not the most fun. Quinn's new thing is to chase Sammy around and throw a laundry basket over him and then shove things into the laundry basket. She says she is catching a butterfly. I am pretty sure Sammy hates it but it keeps her entertained for a while and she isn't hurting him. Actually it is probably good for him because it gets his lazy bum up and running around which will help with his weight gain!

Dogs are good, life is good. 

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