Friday, January 16, 2015

Leo 11 months

We finally got around to taking Leo's 11 month pictures the other night. My camera decided to stop working for some reason (thankfully with Han's help, Dave was able to fix it for me). While I was trying to get my camera to work I got this sweet photo of Dave, he is my favorite! 
I say this every.single.month but really I can't believe he is 11 months old!!! In 2 short weeks he will be 1, this was seriously the fastest year of my life. This was a big month for him, he started drinking from a sippy cup, stopped nursing and started walking! He never used a bottle or took formula (he is a stubborn little bug and didn't like them and refused to have anything to do with them). He is currently drinking water and milk (a few weeks early and our pediatrician told us it wasn't recommended but I don't know what else to do with him! He's a stinker). He sleeps through the night pretty much every night. He goes to bed at 7:30 and wakes up anywhere from 7-9. This is amazing since Quinn still doesn't have a bedtime routine and doesn't sleep through the night, it is nice to have one child who will sleep. 
He is now very interested in toys and loves to carry around a car in each hand. He also now loves balls. He has a little soccer and basketball and he tries to carry them both at one time and then drops them. It is pretty funny to watch him try and get them to stack on top of each other so he can hold them. Leo also loves his sissy. Anywhere she is and whatever she is doing is what he wants also. He climbs onto her bed and then she starts jumping and he cracks up. I think it is so sweet to watch their relationship develop and how much she cares for him (most of the time). She is very nurturing. 
He has now started to do some babbling but not much. He does like to scream and if you scream back he will crack up. He understands a  lot. The other day I asked him if he wanted cheese and he walked right over to the fridge. My favorite thing he does right now is if I ask him to give me a kiss, he will open his mouth wide and lean in toward me to get a kiss. If I ask him to come give me a kiss if he is not near me, he starts walking to me and smacks his lips, it melts my heart. 
Getting pictures this month was nuts! My camera wasn't working so I was taking them on my phone. Leo wasn't interested in being in his chair at all so they are not the best! 
sippy cups are good, life is good 

All about me!

I wanted to do an update on my 30 before 30 list to see how much more I need want to do. I also realized I never write about myself on this blog! I am the one who is doing all the work documenting our family's adventures and I very rarely talk about me! This week I checked an item off my list by doing a "spa day" and it was amazing. Dave got me a gift certificate to a local spa I really like and I spent 3 hours there the other evening and I can't wait to do it again.
I am still working part time (2 days a week) which is much harder than I thought it would be. Don't get me wrong, I know it is easier than working full time but I feel like I still have full time responsibilities and I try to cram it all into 2 days. It is hard to get into a routine at home and also hard to get into a routine at school. I am currently making my decision on to stay home full time next year or keep working part time. One day I want to stay home because I know the kids are only little once and it goes by super fast. Then I have a day at work that reminds me why I went into this career and I feel like if I stop working that I will lose part of myself. I get nervous about being a "full time" stay at home mom/wife. I don't know if I would be completely happy taking care of everyone else and the house stuff and not really doing something for me. I really love what I do but I also know I can do it again in a few years once the kids are big. So that is the battle that I go over all the time in my head. I have a few months until I need to let me work know for sure if I am not coming back so I will just continue to think about it.
We also just found out we will be in Utah until next summer which will put us here for 4 years! It was a 4 year assignment we just didn't think we would be here the whole time. I have mixed emotions about this. We really like Utah and I know there are much worse places to be stationed. However, I was ready for the next adventure and for something new. I also can't believe that when we leave here Q will be 4 and half!!! It is taking me a bit to get over the fact that we are not moving and mentally preparing myself for another 18 months here. This has brought up the conversation to move on base or stay where we are. We like our house and our comfortable but I also feel a little isolated sometimes because we don't have the most social neighbors in the world. This is also something I keep going back and forth about (I can be a little indecisive sometimes...). Moving is a pain and I am nervous the house will be much smaller than we are used to. Then at the same time I think I will really like being that close to people that I know. This is another decision we will need to make over the next month or so. I also think if I am  home full time I will like having friends in walking distance since I will have much more free time (at least I think I will). 

Now onto my list:

1. Take Golf Lessons
2. Run a race (even just a 5K) Santa 5k (and since we will be here next year, we can do it again!) 
3. Read and FINISH 10 books (I'm only on my 3rd book, I need to pick up my reading) 
4. Go to a "Paint Night" event
5. See a movie alone
6. Take a "pole dancing" exercise class
7. Go to Glacier National Park (This will be easier to do now that I know we are staying another year) 
8. Finish Q and L's baby books (Haven't even touched them....) 
9. Travel to visit a friend (Does a trip in Indianapolis count?!) 
10. Do a "spa day" (not just a massage, a whole day!) (This happened on Wednesday and it was great) 
11. Start saving in my 401K (I've asked about this at work.... ) 
12. Ski in Utah (It's the best snow on earth!)
13. Send a card to a different person each month letting them know what they mean to me
14. Take some sort of make up class (find a color of lipstick I  like?)
15. "Unplug" for a week (plan to do this on our upcoming Disney trip!) 
16. Go on an overnight trip with just Q
17. Do stand up paddle boarding
18. Do something new to my hair (I grew out my side bangs that I have had forever- that counts right?) 
19. Stop doing laundry on Sundays (This is much harder to do that I thought it would be) 
20. Learn to knit or crochet  (I kind of did this, my friend showed me how and then I haven't practiced again). 
21. Read 5 Catholic Books 
22. Go camping
23. Grow something (flower, vegetable, herb)
24. Do 5 things on my Pinterest Page ( I have done 3, I think, once I get to 5 I'll mark it off!) 
25. See Garth Brooks in Concert
26. Be on time to things (this one is very general but I need to work on this)
27. Go on a 5-year anniversary trip (In the planning stages!!) 
28. Volunteer more
29. Have a 30th Birthday Party
30. Write a blog for each activity completed on this list (check, check!) 
I need to get on my list. I have less than 7 months to go and a lot of things left to do. I realized while trying to find a picture of myself for this post that I don't ever make the pictures these days. I'm not a "selfie" type person but I might have to start taking some so that my kids know what I looked like during their childhood.
reflection is good, life is good 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

New Years Trip

Over New Year's my sister-in-law Julie, Han and all my nieces came to visit us. I was happy to see them because Dave was leaving New Year's Eve for Washington State to attend out friends funeral and I didn't want to be alone. They are always great to be around and we had so much fun. 
On New Year's Eve we went bowling on Base and it was a lot of fun for everybody except for Quinn. She loves bowling so I thought she was going to have a great time with her cousins. Instead she didn't like the fact that the lights were off and the music was loud. I had to go to the car and get headphones for her to wear but she wanted her "big headphones." She spent most the night sitting at the top with her head phones on dancing to the music and then she eventually came down to bowl and loved it. We had a really fun time and spent the rest of 2014 relaxing, eating and playing with fireworks. The only thing that could have made the day better was if Dave had been there to share it with us. 
On Thursday we didn't leave the house and that was amazing. We hung out, watched TV, played games. The kids had a great time together and Marcel and Reese are the best helpers. Quinn and Leo loved playing with their cousins. 
Leo decided to start drinking from a sippy cup like it is no big deal. Funny how that works because he did that with walking also. He just woke up and thought, I think I'll drink from a sippy cup today. Uncle Han thought it would fun to put Leo on his lawn mower and push him around and the kids had a great time with that. 
On Friday, we as well as half the state of Utah thought it would a great idea to go to the curiosity museum. It was a little crowded but the kids loved it. Marcel, Reese and Han did the high ropes course. Han taught them a good lesson about conquering your fears. The whole trip Quinn called Han, "Prince Han, like from Frozen. She was happy Prince Han took her outside to do the tight ropes course. We finished the day by shopping at City Creek. 
 When we were at the museum playing in the little kid area, Quinn helped Leo get the toys and I thought it was the sweetest moment. She is a great big sister (most of the time) and really looks out for him. She even tried to take balls from other kids to give to her brother! 
On Saturday, we also did not leave the house and just enjoyed our time together. We ate a lot of food, watched some sports and watched the kids play. I am so happy they came to see us and we can't wait for our next Jarnot family get together! 
A quick Leo update. He is almost one year old (what??)!?! He is in need of his second hair cut but I am going to wait until it is closer to his birthday so it looks good for pictures. Also, he is a wild man! The boy keeps me on my toes. Always climbing on something, breaking something or carrying around a ball (his new favorite toy). We finally took his 11-month pictures tonight (a little late) so I will update that soon. I love his sweet personality and how much he loves it cuddle. He is a smart boy! He isn't doing a lot of babbling yet and refuses to sign to me, he actually hits my hand away when I try to sign to him. But today we were in the living room and I asked him if he was hungry and if he wanted cheese. He got up and immediately took off to the fridge! 
These two need to stop growing! Quinn is a true Buckeye and is throwing up an "O" (Go Buckeyes!!!National Champions! Yesterday she learned "OH-IO.") 

Family is great, life is good 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

2014 in Review

This year was a great year for our family and it went so fast!! I can not believe it is over and we are onto 2015. I will give you a quick review (with pictures, of course!) of the blur that was our year. 
We started the new year with family and the cousins all got to play together. 
We prepared for Leo's arrival and Quinn moved into her new room with a toddler bed. The girl nursery got turned into a boy nursery and Quinn enjoyed all the new baby items around the house. 
The highlight of this year was the birth of little Leo! It was an amazing experience and he has brought us so much joy. Quinn loved becoming a big sister and we were blessed with many friends and family that helped us adjust to our new addition. 
Leo came home! 
We added a heart to our Air Force sign. 
My mom came out to visit and help with Leo 2 weeks after he was born. Quinn turned 2 on that trip. She had a minnie mouse birthday party and we took her bowling. It was awesome having her come out and help us when Dave had to go back to work. Right before my mom came out my sister had my nephew, Elliott- 12 days after Leo! 
A special relationship between Leo and Charlie was quickly made. 
Charlie realized life would never be the same again. 
These are 2 of my favorite pictures of Leo. 
Dave had to go to Wyoming for work and we took advantage of that trip. First we went to Moab and enjoyed Arches National Park and I fell in love with it. Then we had a quick stop in Denver on our way to Wyoming to see family. We were able to explore Cheyenne while Dave worked and we got to see some friends that are stationed there as well. 
He just kept growing! 
I had some family visiting Vegas in April and we drove down to see them. We went to Hoover Dam for the first time and loved seeing family. Dave also got to bet on the final four match ups. 
Then later in April the kids and I went home to introduce Leo to everybody. I got to fly with both kids by myself for the first time and it wasn't as bad as I had thought. We went to the Patrick family Easter Egg hunt and Leo got to meet his cousin, Elliott for the first time! 
I got good at juggling housework and 2 kiddos. 
In May we took a quick drive up to Idaho to go to BearWorld and see a neat waterfall. Dave had been wanting to go there for over a year and we had a great time! Quinn really really loved it! 
The satellite pharmacy opened in June. This was a huge accomplishment for Dave and his staff. They worked very hard to make this happen and I was ready for him to stop working such long hours! 
We went to the air show on base. Quinn wasn't really sure she liked the noise. 
We took A LOT of naps!! 
The kids and I went home for a month in July (and Dave came for the last week of our trip). We had a great time and loved spending time with everybody. Quinn loved the "ocean" (my parents pool) and her and Nolan just couldn't get enough of each other. Dave and I were able to attend our freinds' wedding in Chicago while we were home and get our first trip with no kids. 
Quinn learned (kind of) to share and Charlie and Leo continued to love each other. 
We tried dance class but Q was not having it. We will try again soon. 
We had a great summer in Utah and enjoyed everything this great state has to offer. Which included another trip to Bear world and a weekend trip with dear friends to Yellowstone. 
We went back to Moab for a weekend trip with the Jarnot gang. We had a fun time and even hiked back to Delicate Arch for the second time this year. 
The highlight of the summer was a trip to Disneyland with my parents followed by a weekend in Vegas. The kids both had a fantastic time and it meant a lot to have my parents there to share that vacation with us. 
Leo continued to be a handful and showed me that a boy might not be as easy as having a girl! 
We loved fall in Utah! This year we did a pumpkin train ride and it was great. 
Quinn did not enjoy pumpkin carving. 
We took a scenic drive that was absolutely beautiful. 
Halloween was the best this year! Quinn loved every minute of it. 
The kids just got bigger and bigger and Leo started moving- everywhere!! 
We got family pictures taken. 
Leo got his first haircut. (This is not in order but he LOVED his jumper toy!) 
We all ran the Santa run 5K over Thanksgiving break and I got to mark that off my 30 before 30 list. We can't wait to do it again next year. 
Wahhh! The Bingham's moved away and it was awful! We miss them and can't wait until we get to see them again! 
Disney on Ice was a hit. 
I carried Leo around in this thing, a lot! He loves his momma. 
The Christmas tree got put up and Quinn loved everything Christmas related. 
We went home in early December to celebrate an early Christmas. 
Christmas was in Utah this year and we had a wonderful time. 
Quinn loves the snow and playing in it. She also loves Charlie and he gets the Dog of the Year award for being the best dog ever with the kids. 
We finished this year and started the new year with the Jarnot cousins again (I don't have pictures on my computer right now...) and it was awesome having them here! 

2014 was pretty fantastic but I'm excited for what will come in 2015! 
Life is just good!!