Monday, July 28, 2014

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

On Sunday the weather was beautiful. It has been unseasonably cool in Ohio this summer which makes swimming a little difficult but it makes lounging in the backyard great. We went to breakfast with some of my mom's side of the family and spent the rest of the afternoon all hanging out on the back porch enjoying each other's company. It really was a great afternoon. The little boys took turns napping and the big kids played and played. 

This next series of pictures cracks me up. I was trying to get their picture together and something made Quinn sad so she decided to pout. Lately she will not look at the camera for pictures unless you tell her to say "spaghetti" and then she is all over it. (Pants are always optional on the Patrick patio). 

Now we are having fun again. 
The kids like to "race" around the backyard. They wait on the edge of the patio until you say "ready, set, go" then they run full speed all around in a big circle (I just want a pinch of their energy!). Quinn will keep saying "more race, more race." 

Leo loves hanging out with his papaw. He also spent a large amount of time hanging out with my uncle Tommy. 
The littles like to steal toys from each other and make the other one cry. It is going to be an absolute madhouse around here next summer when these two are on the move. 

I was able to have a girls night with two of my best friends also. We went to a cute new place and had some yummy food and followed it up with ice cream. We also got to see Liz's new house and spent some time just hanging out. I love how life has taken us in different directions and different places but when we get together it is just like old times. (okay, okay maybe not JUST like old times but you get the idea). I love how easy it is to be myself around them and how the conversations always make me laugh (and how many of the conversations we have I can't imagine having with anybody else...ever!!). They are my favorite and I wish we could do more of these get togethers! 
Sundays are good, life is good. 

Entertrainment Junction

Last week we took the kids to Entertrainment Junction. It was the perfect day because it was raining outside and we went early so it wasn't very crowded at all. The kids love it there. The little boys did so good. They just hung out in the stroller most of the time and we only had a little bit of fussing from Leo (he later fell asleep while grandma was holding him and it was very cute). When we are out with the 4 of them we get strange looks from people, it is like they are trying to figure out if they are two sets of twins or what is going on. 

Quinn and Nolan loved the kids play area. They had fun on the train tables and dragging grandma into the big playground. At first Quinn would not go down the big slide but after seeing Nolan go she needed her turn with mamaw and she loved it. They also had fun in the playhouse. 

They suckered me into paying for them to ride the indoor train ride. I love watching them together, they are the cutest little duo. I don't think I have mentioned it before, but Nolan calls Q "Penn" and I think it is so sweet. 

They were able to ride the outdoor Thomas ride before it started raining and they were all smiles. Nolan enjoyed watching the cars on the nearby highway. 
It was Christmas in July so Santa was there. We went through the Christmas display and got cookies. I was surprised Q would sit on his lap. She seemed skeptical and the longer she was on his lap the more nervous she got. After she got off I decided I wanted to try and get one with her and Nolan together in case we don't come home for Christmas this year and she was not having anything to do with getting back on his lap. At least I have one picture of her and Santa where she is not screaming. 

We had a great time looking at all the trains, playing on the playground and eating lunch. Quinn really liked the Coney Island display and when she could see the choo-choo trains go into the tunnels. The rest of the day she kept talking about seeing the trains. It is a fun place and I am glad we were able to go again on this trip home. 

Trains are good, life is good. 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Trip home Part 2

Our second week in Ohio has also gone by very quickly. We are excited for Dave to come in a few days but it makes me sad because I know our trip is coming to an end and I am NOT ready to leave. 
We have had better weather (some days) and were able to do a lot of fun things. Quinn and Nolan love the pool. Quinn fell onto the pool cover from the steps.. TWICE.. luckily we were right there and were able to grab her. She kept saying that she fell into the ocean and that she was scared. 
I was able to get breakfast with my friends Lauren and Josh and their little guy, Eli. It was fun to catch up with them. I went back to Children's to get lunch with my Liberty crew and was also able to see Dana and Liz and we got to swim and catch up. I love being able to see old friends. It just feels good to get together and feel like you have never been apart. I have been very lucky in my life and have made lasting friendships along the way. Being home is good for my soul! 

Grandma and all her grandbabes. They are keeping her busy. Nolan also riding the dog, I am sure he is getting yelled at in this picture. 

Leo has started getting up onto his hands and knees and rocking back and forth. I think he is going to be crawling before we know it. He loves the pool (which I thought he would because he loves bath time) and kicks his feet the whole time he is in the water. 

Quinn loves her mamaw and she loves swimming. I need to get her back into swim lessons when we get home. She is happy in the water. 

Last weekend we went to my aunt and uncles house and did an outdoor movie night with cousins. We were able to watch Cars 2 (after a little time figuring out how to get the DVD player to work), ate hotdogs and smores on the fire and had a lot of fun. The sunset was beautiful and the kids loved it. They have an amazing backyard and we love when we get to go to their house and hang out. 

Dr. Quinn checking everybody's temperature (her curls in Ohio are out of control). Her new thing is if she gets hurt she will cry and say she needs to go to the doctor, get a shot, cut off the injured body part or needs a bandaid. She is quite the drama queen. She is having so much fun playing with Nolan and they are a riot to watch (and sometimes a lot of work... mothers with twins I have NO clue how you do it!).
Leo and his papaw and Nolan's basket of cars that he always carries around. I will keep posting about our trip this week. 

Friends are good, Life is good! 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Trip home Part 1

The kids and I headed to Ohio last Tuesday. I can't believe it has already been a week, I still have 2 weeks here but I am already getting sad about leaving. We love coming home and have so much fun seeing family and friends. 
Leo and Quinn were great on our flight. I always get very nervous before we fly but having them to keep me busy helps the flight go very fast. Leo was more difficult than Q this time. Dave loaded Nemo on her ipad and she was set. She watched Finding Nemo (1.5 times) and then took a nap. Leo was very busy the whole flight and wanted to jump up and down. 
When we landed, Q was smiling ear to ear and yelling "We're home, we're home!" Then she was looking out the window and asking where "papaw" was. She was so excited to see my mom at the airport. We were spoiled with a singing Minnie Mouse and a bag of Grippos potato chips. 

I was armed with plenty of snacks, a loaded ipad and coloring books to get us through the flight smoothly. 

We were excited to see Elliott and Nolan when we got to my parents house. Elliott is much larger than Leo and we are getting a lot of laughs out of watching them play together. 

Aunt Vic came over to see us on Tuesday, we love seeing her and she is always so fun with the kiddos. 
We have been doing a lot of relaxing and hanging out on my parents awesome patio. The weather the first week was kind of cold so we did not do a lot of swimming. Leo adjusted to the time change pretty quickly but it took Quinn a few days. She is still staying up pretty late but that also means she is sleeping in much later too!! (yay!) 
 We also have had a huge breakthrough..... we are done with the "mimi"!! The first night I told Q that we left it on the airplane and she cried a bit but was so exhausted she went to sleep. She has asked about it only a few times and I tell her we left it on the airplane and she is fine with that. Now hopefully when we fly home she doesn't remember we "left it on the airplane" and want it back!

I remember Q playing with this toy and Leo also loves it. I need to try and find one for him at home. 

 Quinn loves her "papaw" and always asks where he is. When he is napping she will say "shh, don't wake up papaw." She asks him every day if he is going to work to make money and that she likes to put money in her piggy bank. The things that come out of her mouth crack me up.

Getting a picture of Q and Nolan is about impossible because they are always on the move. They run nonstop when they are together. It is cute to watch them play together... and fight sometimes. We are going to try and get a good picture of the four of them before we leave.. wish us luck! 
More of our trip to come later. 

Home is SO GOOD, life is good! 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Feeding the Ducks

Yesterday we went to the park after dinner to feed the ducks. I have had old bread in the pantry for a week now and Quinn always asks what it is for. I tell her we are going to go feed the ducks and we just had not made it yet. We decided to go last night and she loved it. I was getting things ready to leave and I walk in to find Leo covered up! Quinn had given him his red ball, dragon, a blanket and both bags of bread. I was cracking up when I found him like this.

We went at 8pm and it was still so hot. The weather here has been pretty miserable. I have decided I do not like summer or hot weather. I kept telling Dave I need our next base to be somewhere that does not have winter but I am changing my mind. I don't like it being so hot outside and especially when we don't have a pool. I have gotten spoiled with my parents pool that is for sure. 
Leo just hung out while we fed the ducks. He wants to put everything in his mouth. 

The ducks almost attacked us as soon as we got out of the car. I swear they saw our bread bags and they knew. We just kept walking past those crazy birds straight to the bridge. I thought it was a safer place to feed them without getting attacked and scarring Quinn for life. 

She kept saying the baby ducks were cute or as she says "awwww how cute!" 

Her lack of interest in taking pictures drives me crazy some times. I still make her be in pictures so I can document this time in her life, what a little sinker! 
We had a great time feeding the ducks and walking at the park and finished the evening with snow cones on the back porch swing. 

Tonight we went out for dinner and the views out the window were great. When we leave Utah, one of the things I am really going to miss are the mountains. They are a beautiful backdrop. In the winter I love how they are covered in snow and many of the evenings they look purple against the sky. In the summer I love how green they are. It is something I really enjoy and that you do not get in the Midwest. 

Summer is good, life is good.