Sunday, August 21, 2011

Updates in the Jarnot House

Things around here have been going well. I am very ready for summer to be over and for fall to be in full swing. We have several updates to share on this blog: Charlie turned 2 years old yesterday, we just got back from a lake weekend with our friends, AND we are expecting baby Jarnot in February! : )

I will be 15 weeks on Tuesday. This has been a pretty rough pregnancy. Starting at week 6 until about week 11 I was extremely sick all the time. Here is a picture from one weekend where I didn't leave the couch. The dogs were good company, I think they knew I did not feel good.

I think I have had almost every pregnancy symptom possible! I cry all the time for no good reason. Like when we went and saw Planet of the Apes and I cried the entire movie about the poor monkey who signed. I even woke up the next day and started to cry about the stinking monkey!
 Now that we have started the second trimester I am not feeling sick very much and am so thankful for that! I have been wanting pickles all the time but not the pickle chips with ridges but the smooth pickle chips that you get from a fast food place. So yesterday after standing in the pickle aisle for about 5 minutes and Dave not understanding why we could not just buy the regular pick chips, I found these!!! Who knew they even made them.

We are very excited for February to come and I will keep you posted along the way! Now onto some of our other updates. Charlie turned 2 yesterday. I can't believe how big he is. Here are some pictures of his birthday : ) And Sammy got a new haircut, he looks very cute.

Last weekend we went to Dale Hollow Lake with our friends Chad and Courtney. It was so much fun and the weather was perfect. We took the boat out everyday and just floated in a cove. It was super relaxing and was good to finally get to spend time with them. One of the best parts of the trip were these cheese sticks you can buy from one of the docks called Boscoe sticks. They sell them at GFS foods and I need to go get some ASAP, they are delicious! Here are some pictures from our trip.

Have a great week. Life is good : ) 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Las Vegas Trip

It has been SO long since I have posted. Time is flying, I can't believe it is already August but I am okay with that! I am ready for fall. It is my favorite time of the year. I love the leaves, football, the cool weather, chili, scarfs, boots.... everything really! Dave is good, he is in his new position and is liking it. He is also getting his Masters degree through Air University, the Air Force school online so that keeps him pretty busy.
Last week we went to Las Vegas with my family for my brother's 21st birthday trip. Before we left we took the dogs to the kennel for the first time. Usually when we go out of town my parents watch them but since my parents were going with us we had to board them. Some of Dave's co-workers recommended a place called Diamond Dog Kennels up near the Dayton airport. I must say our dogs are spoiled, they got socialization time with other dogs their size, ice cream everyday and Charlie got private play times so he could have his frisbee thrown to him. When we dropped them off I was a hot mess. I cried so hard, it was horrible, they probably think I am nuts. Before we landed in Vegas the man from the kennel called and left me a message telling me how good the dogs were doing. The place and people there were fantastic. I feel very comfortable knowing we have found a good place we can board the dogs!

The trip to Vegas was fun. We stayed at the MGM grand and did some shopping, gambling and swimming. We rented a cabana one of the days we were there and that was very nice. We also saw KA and I would NOT recommend it. The show was a huge disappointment. Of course we had really good food and did a lot of sight seeing. I love family vacations, they are my favorite! Here are some pictures of the trip.

Hope your enjoyed the pictures. I am in the process of re-decorating the upstairs bathroom and will post pictures soon. Next weekend we are heading down to Tennessee with some of our friends to spend a long weekend on the lake, I will post pictures of that trip also!

Family is good, life is good : )