Sunday, October 30, 2011

Fall update

It has been a while since I have posted. There have been many exciting things happening around here. I am now almost 25 weeks pregnant and am feeling good. The only issue I have is some serious lower back pain and I am pretty sure a lot of that comes from my job and sitting on the floor all day. I had a doctor's appointment on Friday and my belly grew 6 cm! We have finally agreed on a name and that makes me very happy. I am such a planner, I didn't like not knowing! Baby will be named Quinn Marcella. The speech therapist in me is thinking that might be a tough name for a little one to say : ) I don't have many baby bump pictures but here is the last one I do have. It is of Dave and me after my sister's baby shower a few weekends ago. Also is one of my only pictures of my sister and I preggo together because she jumped ship 7 weeks early : )

Speaking of my sister....... she had her baby!!! Nolan Oliver was born last Tuesday morning at 4:21. He is doing good for being 7 weeks early! It was quite a shocker when we got that phone call because my sister did not have any signs/symptoms of early labor. She got out of the hospital a few days ago but Nolan will be in the hospital for a little bit longer. Here are a few pictures of the little man. Keep  him in your prayers so he can keep growing and come home soon!! 

This weekend Dave was in Dallas teaching a deployment class so I spent the weekend at my parent's house and at the hospital with the family. Dave will only be gone for about 36 hours total but it feels like forever. I have no clue how I ever made it 6 months last year! 
Yesterday we had a Halloween party at my aunt's house. It was a lot of fun and of course there was good food. The kiddos were so cute and got tons of loot. 

Of course I must update about the dogs. They are doing great. I can't wait to see how they respond to the new baby in the house! This year for Halloween Sammy is being a banana again because he got too fat for the pirate costume my mom bought him last year and Charlie is being the Headless horseman horse. I will post pictures after they dress up tomorrow. 

Hope you enjoyed a little update on us. With my nephew here now and the upcoming holidays I will try to be posting more often. Have a great Monday!! 

Babies are good, life is good!! 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day with the Ladies

Today I spent the day with the ladies of my family and my Grandma's Red Hat friends on a B&B Riverboat. We had gorgeous weather and a great time. My sister's birthday is on Thursday so my Grandma brought her a birthday hat and had everybody on the boat sing to her, I love my grandma! Here are some pictures of our day.

A couple weeks ago Dave and I got an ultrasound done to find out what we are having AND...... it's a girl!! : ) We are very excited and I am glad the nursery has a walk in closet because this baby already has SO many clothes! The day we found out we went and bought a couple of outfits.

She now has many many more! Little girl clothes are SO cute. I am going to be in big trouble when it comes to shopping. I have been looking at nursery stuff and think I have found the one I like. 

I like the colors of the bedding and that it isn't all pink. There are a lot of different patterns in it as well that I like. I have not bought it yet but think this might be the one. Any thoughts? 

Hope you enjoyed the quick update. I plan to be updating more as we start to work on the nursery! 

Pink is good, life is great!!! : ) 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Updates in the Jarnot House

Things around here have been going well. I am very ready for summer to be over and for fall to be in full swing. We have several updates to share on this blog: Charlie turned 2 years old yesterday, we just got back from a lake weekend with our friends, AND we are expecting baby Jarnot in February! : )

I will be 15 weeks on Tuesday. This has been a pretty rough pregnancy. Starting at week 6 until about week 11 I was extremely sick all the time. Here is a picture from one weekend where I didn't leave the couch. The dogs were good company, I think they knew I did not feel good.

I think I have had almost every pregnancy symptom possible! I cry all the time for no good reason. Like when we went and saw Planet of the Apes and I cried the entire movie about the poor monkey who signed. I even woke up the next day and started to cry about the stinking monkey!
 Now that we have started the second trimester I am not feeling sick very much and am so thankful for that! I have been wanting pickles all the time but not the pickle chips with ridges but the smooth pickle chips that you get from a fast food place. So yesterday after standing in the pickle aisle for about 5 minutes and Dave not understanding why we could not just buy the regular pick chips, I found these!!! Who knew they even made them.

We are very excited for February to come and I will keep you posted along the way! Now onto some of our other updates. Charlie turned 2 yesterday. I can't believe how big he is. Here are some pictures of his birthday : ) And Sammy got a new haircut, he looks very cute.

Last weekend we went to Dale Hollow Lake with our friends Chad and Courtney. It was so much fun and the weather was perfect. We took the boat out everyday and just floated in a cove. It was super relaxing and was good to finally get to spend time with them. One of the best parts of the trip were these cheese sticks you can buy from one of the docks called Boscoe sticks. They sell them at GFS foods and I need to go get some ASAP, they are delicious! Here are some pictures from our trip.

Have a great week. Life is good : ) 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Las Vegas Trip

It has been SO long since I have posted. Time is flying, I can't believe it is already August but I am okay with that! I am ready for fall. It is my favorite time of the year. I love the leaves, football, the cool weather, chili, scarfs, boots.... everything really! Dave is good, he is in his new position and is liking it. He is also getting his Masters degree through Air University, the Air Force school online so that keeps him pretty busy.
Last week we went to Las Vegas with my family for my brother's 21st birthday trip. Before we left we took the dogs to the kennel for the first time. Usually when we go out of town my parents watch them but since my parents were going with us we had to board them. Some of Dave's co-workers recommended a place called Diamond Dog Kennels up near the Dayton airport. I must say our dogs are spoiled, they got socialization time with other dogs their size, ice cream everyday and Charlie got private play times so he could have his frisbee thrown to him. When we dropped them off I was a hot mess. I cried so hard, it was horrible, they probably think I am nuts. Before we landed in Vegas the man from the kennel called and left me a message telling me how good the dogs were doing. The place and people there were fantastic. I feel very comfortable knowing we have found a good place we can board the dogs!

The trip to Vegas was fun. We stayed at the MGM grand and did some shopping, gambling and swimming. We rented a cabana one of the days we were there and that was very nice. We also saw KA and I would NOT recommend it. The show was a huge disappointment. Of course we had really good food and did a lot of sight seeing. I love family vacations, they are my favorite! Here are some pictures of the trip.

Hope your enjoyed the pictures. I am in the process of re-decorating the upstairs bathroom and will post pictures soon. Next weekend we are heading down to Tennessee with some of our friends to spend a long weekend on the lake, I will post pictures of that trip also!

Family is good, life is good : )

Sunday, May 8, 2011

1 year down

Wow...... time is flying!!!!!!!!! I can't believe this time last year Dave and I were frantically packing to leave for Hawaii-not even engaged. Some say the first year is the hardest and if that is true then I am pretty excited to see how amazing the next 50 are because I think this one was pretty great! It has been a year of challenges, distance, laughter, tears, excitement, adventure but most of all LOVE! I realize everyday how lucky I am to be married to such a wonderful man and that will never change, no matter how many years pass.

In Hawaii last year 
My parents will celebrate their 31st wedding anniversary this week also. One thing that I have learned from watching my parents marriage is that it is not always easy but in the end love will always win and throwing in some laughter along the way will always help.
Our anniversary is Friday but I am a complete sucker and gave Dave his present today. He does not help the cause because when I asked if he wanted his present early he said "It is close enough." We are going to Cookwares, a cooking store near our house, to take a class taught by an Indian chef on how to cook Indian food. Dave loves to eat Indian and I do not so I thought it might be fun for us to learn how to make so he can have some Indian meals at home. I did save his card for our actual anniversary. Today Dave told me we are going to go to Jeff Ruby's Steakhouse for dinner on Friday. About 5 years ago when Dave lived with my sister we challenged each other to a game of Paperboy on the Nintendo and I won the challenge. The bet was that if I won he would take me on a date to Jeff Ruby's and he never did! So over 5 years later we are finally going on our Jeff Ruby's date : ) He is hoping to get the day off work so we can spend the whole day together.
Speaking of work Dave got a new position at work! He is now the Chief of Pharmacy Operations and will be starting his training this week. He also found out he will be getting promoted to Major in December. I am very proud of him!

This weekend we went up to the lake to visit with my family for Mother's Day. It was so nice to spend time with everybody and to get to spend Mother's day with my Mom, Grandma, Aunt and Sister-all of who are amazing mothers or will be soon : )
Dave and I also went to Home Depot to get some grass seed and fertilizer and a new swing for the back deck. Our yard is looking very green thanks to all of this rain! I actually am starting to like going to Home Depot-funny how things change when you have a a house of your own. We spent the evening putting the swing together, grilling out and then finished up with a beer in the hot tub. I can't think of a better way to wrap up the weekend and get ready for the next week.

Happy 31st Anniversary to my lovely parents 
Charlie laying in the bushes while Dave cuts the grass

Dave making the swing stay in the Jetta for the drive home 

A wedding anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance and tenacity. The order varies for any given year. -Paul Sweeney 

Marriage is good, life is good : ) 
Have a great week! 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring has sprung

It has been forever since my last post again! I am really slacking on this blog since Dave has been home. We have not done anything super exciting since the last blog, just been very busy with day to day life and enjoying being married and living in the same country.
The weather in Ohio is crazy as ever which means it must be Spring! It is currently raining like crazy and we are getting more this week. A couple of weeks ago when it was raining our basement flooded because our sump pump stopped working. That was a fun filled day of going to home depot and buying a new one as well as a shop vac to clean up the mess. Dave is pretty handy and figured out how to take the old one out and install the new one while I cleaned up the mess. We even made it to Cincinnati to have dinner with our friends that night! We make a great team if I do say so myself.
 I am very excited for this Spring and Summer since Dave will be home. It will be the first Summer we have lived in the same state since we have been together, craziness. Speaking of craziness our 1 year anniversary is less than a month away and I can NOT believe it. Time really does fly! It is the "paper" anniversary and I already have Dave's gift. It is killing me to not tell him. I am the world's worst gift buyer (well really the best I think) but as soon as I buy a gift I want to give it to the person right then. I usually always end up giving presents early because I don't like to wait!

On my last post I said I would post about our Hawaii trip and I will soon I promise! For now I will give you some pictures to look at. Hawaii is the most amazing place I have ever been and all Dave and I can talk about is when we get to go back.

And of course I can not blog without talking about Charlie. He is crazy as ever and is keeping us busy. His latest issue is digging under the deck and coming in the house covered in mud. Last week at work I got a voicemail from Dave letting me know that Charlie ran in the house covered in mud and before he could catch him, he ran up the stairs (white carpet) and jumped on our bed. That was a fun evening of bathing Charlie and cleaning the carpet and sheets. Since then Charlie has needed to get a bath two times now because of digging under the deck. We have decided due to his size and amount of hair that washing him on the back deck is the best bet. I am sure our neighbors think we are crazy.
Sammy is good, he has a food allergy and requires special food, he is a hot mess but still as cute as ever! Here are some pictures of the dogs.

Hope you enjoyed the quick update on our lives. We are currently re-doing the office. I will post pictures once that is complete as well as a blog of Hawaii and add some more pictures of our trip. Hope everybody has a great Easter! 

Baseball season is good, Life is good! : )